
Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Beaucoup De Choses à Dire

Okay so my excuse last time was that I had no motivation to do anything because I didnt have a job. Well this time my excuse is because I do have a job! Haha, I really have been working so much compared to Robintino's! It's ridiculous but I can't wait for my check! It is going to be pretty big! So last Wednesday I started and I can definitely say that my first day was not the greatest. My boss wanted me to come in at eleven am and once I got there they told me I was going to be left there alone all day. So from eleven to five, I sat on facebook and got paid for it. I guess that's not such a bad deal, but it still kinda sucked. After work that day I went to the gym with Ariel and went to Zumba. I hadn't been for so long that I sucked at it and my endurance was very low! Plus I think I did something bad to my shoulder like flung it out of place or something because it killed the following days. On Thursday I went to work at ten am and actually had a little bit of work to do. I learned how to use the program more and just answered phones and stuff. Nick packed me a lunch that day so I could take it to work with me, it was soo nice of him <3 (:. I had a meeting that night in midvale and I forgot my purse there.When I texted Guga to make sure my purse was there, he told me it was and he wouldnt be back from Vegas until Monday, SPLENDID. Friday I worked at eleven but woke up at ten fourty eight. That is three minutes after I'm supposed to leave for work. How splendid is that? Third day of work I was late. The company went to the home and garden show and had a contest where someone could win a full year of free lawn service. When the filled out the paper they had the option to get an estimate on how much their lawn would cost to get serviced. My job was to organize the papers into who said yes and who said no, then take the ones that said yes and measure their lawn. Except when I measured their lawns, I could do it on the computer! It's way cool, there is this program called 'Go I Lawn' where you can look up people's addresses like on Google maps, but with this program you can use the tools it provides to measure lawns! It's way cool! Anyway Friday night sucked and I dont want to talk about it,, haha. Saturday I had to go to the home and garden show with my work for a couple hours. That night was cool though, Sarah, Nick, and I all went to club sound for a concert that was really lame, so we ended up going across the street to the Complex instead. It was a pretty dirty dubstep show with some sick bass and all my friends were there! Sunday all Nick's friends came over and hung out forever and it made it hard for me to go to bed which sucked. But Nick went and got me a 5 hour energy drink for the next day. He picked up the 'extra strength' 5 hour energy and because of it's 'extra strength'ityness he had to be I.D'd for it. You have to be 19 to buy that ish! Pretty odd if I do say so myself. Monday I had to work at nine am, that stressed me out a little because I am not used to working hours like that. It wasn't bad though and that five hour definitely woke me up. Plus Nick packed me a nice lunch that day too and that always helps me get through my days (:. After work I had to go meet up with Guga to get my purse. I drove home and then had Nick take me to SLC to meet him. The weather was so horrible it took us an hour to drive out to SLC.
Guga was at BeniHana's for dinner and so Nick and I went to eat to take up some time. We went to Cafe Rio and after we finished and got back into our car, Nick's car wouldnt start. Well it kinda would, it was just being really difficult and the battery was just acting really weird.  Nick tried to start it different ways and we ended up rolling down into the Smith's parking lot. He went in to buy some jumper cables and  found someone to jump his car, but the car wasn't holding charge. It was freezing and miserable out too :( Somehow Nick got it to work and we managed to get gas so the car would work completely better. Then around eight ish or eight thirty we finally met up with guga, I was so stressed about the situation I was trying not to cry in front of him, but I was definitely happy to get my purse back. Once we finally got home we cuddled up and watched the Bachelor together (:. Tuesday I worked, but that's all I remember. Wednedsay  and Thursday the same. Friday got off work early because there was nothing for me to. I was so tired Friday I ended up passing out on the couch with Nick. Then I got up and got ready to go to COLD BLANK! It was a great night. Dylan and Guga gave Nick a staff wrist band and he got to go back stage with me and it was way fun. Once Cold Blank got there I got to hang out with them in the back room with everyone for a while.
Guga told them I was a fan of theirs and I got to meet them. Before they started playing I asked if they were going to play '2012' for me. He told me 'maybe' and i was like 'you mean yes?' and he said 'you really want me to play it?' of course I said 'yes please!' and he said he'd tell the other guy. They played a 2.5 hour set and I was getting all sad towards the end because they hadn't played my song yet. Then at around 3, THEY PLAYED IT! Their last song to wrap up the night was the one I requested, I got so excited and danced my butt off! :P After they were done I went up to one of them and said OMG! You played my song last! You just made my night! And he went in to give me a big ol' bear hug and said 'pf, you knew I would!' KILLLLLLLLLERRR :D Then I got a picture with them and went home! Today is only Saturday and I feel like it's Sunday and I just want to relax all day and do nothing.

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