
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Bleh, i'm getting worse and worse about this whole blog sitch. I guess the whole me not having a job thing has made me lose motivation for a lot of things. I feel like I have nothing going for me currently ! I can't even remember the things I want to write about. It's been like a full week since I have written and I dont even remember what I did last week! Crap. Lets see.. i'll do my best and go by days.. haha!!
Monday: Nick and I went shopping at a couple places from Clinton to Ogden. We went to the New Gate Mall and had some 'dinner'. I wasnt hungry so he bought me an orange julius <3. Afterwards we went to a couple shops inside the mall. When we went to hot topic I accidentally bought a Deadmau5 shirt, but it was so cute I couldnt resist. Then we went home and watched the Bachelor like we do every Monday, pwecious, I know (;.
Tuesday: I went with Roxy and Kim to help them find outfits for concert we went to that weekend. We went to a whole bunch of different stores and only Kim found an outfit. Afterwards we went to sushi at some place called sukiyooki or something.. haha I dont remember. But it was really delicious. Then Roxy took us both to Nick's house so that Kim could get her car. I went up to Nick's door and noticed the door was locked and my phone was dead! So I turned around and yelled Kim's name hoping she hadn't got in her car yet. She turned around and I told her I needed to use her phone. Unfortunately Nick's phone was dead too! I had to call Valek's phone. He didnt answer and I got flustered because of how bad I had to pee. Kim and I sat in her car while I called Nick, we were both way antsy because we both had to pee way bad. Kim decided we weren't waiting any longer and that we HAD to drive to a gas station. Unfortunately the first gas station we went to had a bathroom 'around the back'. AH?.. That's scary.. and it was disgusting so we both decided McDonald's would be better. So we bolted into the bathroom, it was way funny. Then Nick finally got home and let me in and tried to give me a lesson on how to use the garage door opener but I didn't care to listen cuz it doesnt work for me anyway so I ran away..
Wednesday: Wednesday was a bad day, I definitely did not have a good day whatsoever. Nick was gone all  and I had to sit at home all by myself and do freaking nothing :( I didnt have any gas or anything so it just sucked. I sat on the computer and slowly disintegrated into dust.
Thursday: There was no Thursday, I was dust.
No jk, EVENTUALLY Nick came home and we went to Bountiful to sell tickets and Nick made me go to Nelson's Custard. So I made him buy me a double F.C Topper. I hadn't had one of those since like my Sr year of high school. My friends and I used to go get those all the time. Mm
Thursday: I dont remember. I did some stuff
Friday: Went to the concert. It was way fun being in my cute sequin dress and I had way cool makeup! Once Nick and all our friends came it was even more fun to see all the people and the great artists! It was a way fun night! At the end I went to go gather my stuff.. and remember what I did to that girl at the Jersey Concert? When I had to get the EMT's and cops and stuff cuz she was passed out in the bathroom? Yeah,, it happened again. Except this girl was passed out on the couch. Valek saw her and ran over to her trying to wake her up. Then Nick told me to look over where Valek was. My heart dropped.. I walked over to the girl lying on the couch and stopped 2 feet before her and asked Valek if she was alive. She didnt look like she was breathing, after a second or two Valek told me she was breathing and I walked closer up to her. I knelt beside her and tried shaking her, she wouldnt wake up. I shoke her so hard and was talking to her saying 'wake up! wake up!'. My heart dropped again when I couldnt see her body moving  and I thought she may have died right there. Then I saw her arm move, Nick had gone to get some sort of help. I found a water bottle behind the girl and tried pouring it on her face, she started to move a  little and so I continued to pour it on her hoping she would wake up more. Someone behind me started laughing and telling me not to drown her, when I turned around I realized there were a few people watching that I didnt know. She started to move around and start talking. I grabbed her phone to see if she had any body I could call,,, buuttt.. her phone didn't even have a battery in it. I had to ask her if she knew anyone's number that I could call to come get her. The cops said she had to either get a ride home or they were taking her into jail. The first number she gave me was her moms, but the phone was off. I kept calling because that was the only number she could give us. She got mad and wanted my phone so she could call someone but she kept dialing 3-4 digit numbers which obviously didnt work. She'd sometimes put her phone up to hear and sit there saying she was calling friends and we had to keep reminding her that her phone didn't have a battery. I asked her a final time if she knew someone's number and she said 'yeah there's Dylan's'. When I asked her what Dylan's number was she said 'R-O-C' I said roc?...and with the biggest attitude she said 'R!!O!!C!!!!' and I was like okay..?  as in 706? (or w/e it is..) and she said 'yes!' so I asked the rest and it was 'S-T-R'. I asked for the final number and she said 'that's it! that's all i know!' I had to tell her that R-O-C-S-T-R was not a real number but 6 letters. She had such a bad attitude the whole time I even had to tell her whoa, quit acting like that, i'm trying to help you! Since she couldnt find anyone to get her because none of her numbers made sense, she got hauled into jail.
Saturday- Around 6 o clock Ariel picked me up to go to the Escape The Fate concert. She knew some of the band and the singers room mate so we got free VIP. We got in the bus and hung out until Escape The Fate got on stage. The room mate ( who is in another band called mest and another one which I cant remember) took us to the sound booth so we could hear better and see the band play. After they played we hung out in the bus some more and got free clothes, it was awesome! I got a way cute shirt that says 'Rehab Is For Quitters' hahah.
Sunday- I dont wan to talk about sucked.
Monday- Also sucked ..
Tuesday- I got a job (: wahoo!

1 comment:

  1. Uhm.. why would you help her if she was having an attitude? And shoke isn't a word (:
