[[Sometimes I pretend to be normal.. but then it gets boring so I go back to being me]]
[[treat people as you would like to be treated.. karma's only a b**** if you are]]
[[we stopped checking for monsters under the bed because we realized they were inside us]]
[[after monday even the days say W T F ]]
[[be strong now because things will get better..it might be stormy now but it cant rain forever]]
[[blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused]]
[[never make a decision when you're angry.. never make a promise when you're happy]]
[[you decide every moment of every day who you are and what you believe in. you get a second chance every second]]
[[dont ever tell anybody anything..if you do you start missing everybody]]
[[you've got enemies?? good.. that means you've stood up for something in your life]]
[[its my life.. remember that when you talk about it]]
[[sometime in your life.. you'd wish you were british.. and no one really knows why that is..]]
[[there are so many people out there that will tell you that you cant.. you've just gotta turn around and say 'watch me']]
[[sometimes things fall apart.. so that other things can fall together]]
the monday one is my favorite. so true!! good pictures too :)