
Monday, January 24, 2011

Un Deux Trois

So I heard more on that story about the fraud checks.. so i'll start with that. It's not much,, but I guess when Rob was saying he couldnt believe that the car didn't hit Ryan's truck, apparently it was more like I can't believe they didnt squish Rob to death on that truck. When the lady almost hit Ryan's truck, she almost hit it with the side that Rob was hanging off of and Rob said there is skid marks on Ryan's truck from Rob's apron! Rob said his son was panicking asking his mom 'why'd that car try to hit papa? why they hit papa?':( sooo sad,, his son is like 2 or something :( Poor family, that would be scary.
Anyway I had a pretty good weekend with my Nickolas. Friday after I got off work I went and picked up my sewing machine so I could start making my fluffie leg warmers! I tried making one and got SO frustrated and it didnt turn out right.. Fail. But i'm not giving up,, just gonna have to find another day that i'll have enough patience to do it again, haha (:.
Saturday night Nick and I drove up to Logan to hang out with our friends and go to some of the guys' frat party. Once we finally got to Logan, we got pulled over. Nick pulled into a gas station into a parking space and the cop came behind. He came up and told Nick that someone had called the cops on him because they had thrown their cigarette out the window and it hit someones car windshield. First of all,, who does that? Calls the cops for that? Haha, I think it's gay.. Anyway so the cop is talking to us, then asks if any of us have been drinking. Actually he asked how much we've been drinking, 'apparently' he could smell alcohol. Ha. Ha. Perfect. We were all like okay give us a breathalyzer! And Nick said 'cops can always smell weed or alcohol but they're always wrong..' and the cop started to get mad and said 'You know what, if you want to be a dick I can be a dick too!' and ripped Nick's papers out of his hand. He then asked Valek and I for our ID's which neither of us had on us. So he asked all of our information. He was really a not nice cop though.. when I asked why he needed our id's, he said 'because I need to know who you are' and when I asked why he just ignored me. Irritating. Anyway, so he went back to his car to run all our info's.. and another car pulled up and came to talk to us about what happened. He was chill, but it was still like,, really? two cops? Okay, so now there is three, then four, then the fifth a k9 unit. Like what!... why are there so many freaking cops for throwing a cigarette out the freaking window? Get real.. haha. Anyway, so the guy with the K9 told us to stay still in our car and he was gonna run the dog around it. Which now that I think about it, makes me REALLY angry!! Like way to make us look like druggies in front of all of Logan, gr. So I guess Nick pissed the first cop off so bad that the second one was the one to deliver the ticket. 'Throwing lighted material out of the window'. mmk.. So when we got out of the car to go into the gas station go get energy drinks, I wanted to take a picture of all the cops surrounding ours. When I put my phone down I went over to Nick who was talking to two other cops and Valek was standing farther away from him. The first cop put his hands out and told me to 'step back' because the other cops were talking to him and to 'go stand over by [valek]'. I asked him why and he smiled and said 'well obviously he'll tell you when he's done' and I was like 'uhh.. why are you being rude to me? I'm just asking a simple question' and he was like blabla.. 'they're talking to him because of his attitude towards me' and im like 'well yeah, of course he's gonna get mad if you're accusing him of smelling like alcohol' 'i wasnt accusing anything' 'well you said you smelled alcohol?' blablabla... then he said 'there was no reason for him to act like that, i'm a mirror, if you be nice to me,, i'll be nice back' 'then why were you rude to me when I came up to you I wasnt rude to you..?' 'I'm sorry about that, I was acting 'rude'' (<-- he airquoted it like that) 'because of how he was acting..' 'uh, well im not him'. bla bla bla.. IRRITATING.
After all that we went to Gunny's house to get ready to go to the frat party. It was fun at first when there weren't a lot of people, then it got too crowded and you couldnt even move and it was NOT fun whatsoever.. So we finally left and then went and chilled at Gunny's for forever. Literally, we didnt get home until seven, it was terrible.
Today we had to go to a family party for Nick's dad and aunt's birthday. We ate delicious food and hung out with his family for a while. It was fun, I like hanging out and talking to his sisters they are pretty cool girls. One of them is in a like.. death core.. hard metal.. something band and apparently is pretty good at what she does. The other is going to soon go study abroad or teach English in Japan! Pretty cool. Nick's cousin wanted to show us a trick she could do her pogo stick and I was pretty impressed. She is maybe six and was jumping on a pogo stick while using a jump rope at the same time! I was so amazed that she even jumped on the pogo stick with no hands. Nick thought I was dumb for thinking that and when we got home he showed me that he could do the same thing.. :( haha.
After that Nick took me to my scrapyard meeting in Ogden. Then we went to go see No Strings Attached and I definitely reccommend that movie because it was pretty funny! It was nice going out too (:

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