Well haven't done anything too interesting lately. I've been pretty suck and it keeps escalating as the days go by. I know those of you who know me well are thinking 'jeez,, when is this woman not sick?'. Well you guys can keep you're comments to yourself because yeah! I'm always freaking sick.. and it sucks for me :( So think about that!... Started off with a little sore throat.. now I'm coughing so badly im scared I might puke. I'm light headed from coughing right now and might pass out. So, it's real wonderful.
Nick and I drove up to Logan the other night with Valek. Was a pretty good night! We went up to Gunny's and hung out and there were a lot of people there! I gotta hang out with some girls too and that was nice, especially because i've known some of the girls for a while! Nick got to hang out with some of his good friends as well and it was nice for the both of us. I felt bad because we left a little late and still had to drop Valek off at his house in Kaysville. Nick didnt get home until around 3 am and had to work at 7! I felt really bad for him :(
I got on facebook today around 330 and saw that my mom posted on my wall 'CALL YOUR MOTHER ..NOW' . I told her I couldnt because my phone got shut off. I was busy/lazy the past few days so I never bothered to pay the bill :P oops.. Anyway she asked if Nick and I were coming to Jason's dinner. I totally spaced that they had asked me that! Nick and I got ready super fast. I felt even worse for Nick because he was so tired from lack of sleep the night prior but I really wanted him to come.

After we got ready I let my mom know we were on our way. I had to stop at the gas station to get some gas and Nick put it in for me. I listened to music as he put the gas in.. dumb.. idea... Nick hops back into the car, I try to start it up.. dead. DEAD! All I could do was laugh at my stupidity. Maybe the first time it happened, yeah, I cried and got frustrated. This time I was just like.. OMG! How many times am I going to do this before I freakin learn?! Helen Keller. Luckily I have a super smart boyfriend who knows things about cars and stuff. He told me what to do and pushed my car towards a hill. He told me to put my car into second gear and when he said, pop the clutch. I failed.. So Nick pushed me back up the hill and told me to do it again. fail number two.. So he comes in.. bless his heart.. haha. Says 'Oh My.. You dont even have your car on!' And i'm like.. well ya? You never said I had to.. You just told me it would start! And he's like well you have to have it on to start it! And I told him it wouldnt turn on! Poor Nick.. Thank goodness he is so sweet and puts up with my retardation.. Anyway so this time.. I keep my car ON, and it actually works. On the way I asked Nick how he knew that would work and he begins to explain all the reasons it does work. I dont know how he knows all that ish.. But I love him for it (: I'd be screwed without him. Haha. Anyway so we finally head down to my mom's house so we can go out for dinner. Jason ( mom's husband ) told us we should drive separately cuz they were going to a movie after. I got a little stressed cuz I just put gases in my car and barely had enough to go back home :(. But my Nikolas told me that he'd pay for my gases and parking. So sweet <3 (:. We got up there and went to Tucano's at the gateway! My first time eating there and it was so good! I think we all enjoyed it a little too much! I loved seeing everyone's faces when something yummy came around. ( If you don't know.. Tucano's is a brazilian restaurant like Rodizio Grill that brings around different kinds of meats and stuff for you to decide if you want or not ). Filet Mignon wrapped in bacon?

Oh..My..Yum.. It was SO freakin good! They even sang happy birthday to Jason, much to his dismay. They gave asked him to stand up,, which he did not,, and gave him a tambourine. They started playing the music and Jason just sat there laughing and embarrassed with the tambourine in hand. I told him to shake it and went 'Oh, im supposed to shake it??' Hahah, it was soo funny! I swear Jason always picks the worst places for birthdays.. Last time it was Texas Roadhouse and they made him sit on a saddle and had the whole restaurant give him a big YE-HA for his birthday. YEEEEE-HAAA as Jason's face turns into a tomato. Haha. After dinner my mom wanted to go to relax cuz she had eaten so much. SO MUCH FOR DRIVING SEPARATE. They did not go to a movie. Haha, oh well I had a great time with them. I'm already doing pretty good on of my resolutions, to spend more time with the family!
After that Nick and I went to go visit his dad and step mom and little brothers. I met his littlest brother, Ethan, tonight and he was so cute! I think he is about nine months old and he is a little chub! But I could tell Nick was excited to see him! Nick is so cute with his little brothers and I can tell how much they love him when they run up and hug him.
Well I think Nick and I are craving some late night foods. Lataaa.
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