My shoot Wednesday was with Jon Henderson or AdPhoto Design. Jon is a really great and fun guy to work with, although our shoot was like.. suuppperr long,, it was really fun! His studio was in Bountiful and since that's where i'm from,, it was easy to find! I got to his studio and was surprised by how nice it was! I'd never been in a studio like it before, I was amazed! All the photographers I've ever worked with just use a room in their house, even Jake Garn. When I got to his house we picked out an outfit and headed down to SLC. We found a way cool alley way that Jon had been wanting to shoot at. It was smelly and creepy, but made great pics. On our way back to the studio, Jon bought us McDonald's, I thought that was such a sweet gesture. We got back and I got to meet his beautiful wife and kids! After we ate we got to shooting again. I have a really super cute PlayBoy jacket that Jon loved. He told me he was shooting for playboy and thought the jacket would be perfect to send in! Not to scare you,, PlayBoy energy drink! Haha, totally different than PlayBoy, no porn. Haha, the guy just bought rights for their logo so he could put them on an energy drink. So we took some pictures of that and we took some pictures with my wolf jacket. I had lots of fun!
On my way home from the shoot, I got a text from the owner of Imagine.. the owner of the condo we had won in Park City. He told me that someone had offered him 2,000 a night to stay there over SunDance. I cried my freaking eyes out! I was soo excited and looking forward to getting away for the weekend.. Especially considering I just got work off and everything :(. I told Nick and he was just as upset. It sucked. But my sweet Nickolas had the idea of going out for a date Friday night.
Thursday night after work I got online and saw a photographer online that I had just recently looked at her work. I told her I liked it and asked if she ever did trade work. She told me she didn't but made an exception for me. She then continued to tell me she needed a model for a test shoot with fake gauge earrings. I told her i'd be happy to and we should set up a date. She said how about friday (the next day!). I told her okay and we set it all up. She lived far :( But I drove down to her place and we shot in a raquet ball court. She was such a cute sweet girl I definitely enjoyed shooting with her.PLUS she had the freakin cutest cats in the world and I wish I had 98383948 million catssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Anyway,,,,, she had me model the fake gauge earrings which were so freaking cute, I want a pair! She put pics up that night and I am seriously in love with them! Not to mention she sent them into the website and they loved me! So now im on their website! Click here to see me modeling them! I got two pictures on those earrings,, aren't they soo cute?!
After I got home, Nick and I started to get ready for our night out. We went out to Ogden at the junction and had such a fun night! We went to Iggy's for dinner and stuffed ourselves full. We were gonna go bowling after but we got soo tired from eating that we just decided to see a movie and if we were more awake after we'd go bowling. So we walked across the street from Iggy's to the theatre! They had a color photobooth there and Nick walked me over to take some pictures! It was fun and we got way cute pictures that I love! I wish I had them on the computer, I need to scan them in! Anyway we went and saw 'The Dilemma' and Nick bought me a big pickle to eat and it was delicious. Although afterwards he said I smelled like a pickle and that it was gross. Haha! The Dilemma was such a funny movie though, Nick and I definitely enjoyed seeing it! When we got out, for some reason we both had a bunch of energy! Weird though because I didnt think we would be wanting to go bowling after, just ready for bed, but I was wrong! So we walked across the street to Fat Cat's and Nick bought us a game of bowling. Nick and I were trying on shoes and it was soo funny,, at the exact same time we looked over at each other and said 'are you ready to get your @$$ whooped/beat!?' hahahhaha I laughed so hard! Except for the fact that Nick actually beat me.. brat never told me he was good at bowling! But we had so much fun together. It was such a fun night!
Today happens to be our ♥ five months being togetherness!! ♥
I freakin love Nickolas Matthew Schultz (:
**PS!! I have an upcoming shoot for a magazine.. a prom issue for pristeen magazineee. wahooo :D :D :D
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