I know it's been a minute since i've written, but I had such an exhausting weekend it's not even funny. So the last time I wrote was Monday, so i'll just go by the days and what happened.. well from what I remember..
Tuesday: Went to work at four despite a slight fever.. Felt like complete and utter crap :( But I was training that day so I had to stick around the whole shift. Fortunately the section I was in was a slow section.. Not really sure why I was put in a slow section.. but we only got three tables. The waitress wanted to switch off but I decided to do the work of the first section I was originally supposed to be so I could go home and rest. I really felt so bleh :(
Wednesday: Felt even bleh-ier.. I texted my supervisor telling her I wasn't gonna come in that day. I wasn't even scheduled for that day anyway, it was just if I felt I needed to go in that day. Which a) I didn't feel like I needed to.. and b) I felt like crap. So there really was no reason I needed to be there. I really wasn't even scheduled.. But I texted my supervisor and called her... and she didn't answer.. So I called her when she was at work and asked her if she didnt get any of my texts or any calls and she said she did.. So i'm thinking.. why didn't she reply? And she told me that she said she wanted to talk to the other waitresses I trained with first..Here's the part where i'm super annoyed.. She said she talked to both the waitresses I had trained with and both of them said I was not ready to go out on the floor by myself. I trained with three waitresses but she said nothing about the first one. Apparently the second one I trained with said that she felt like she wasn't even training me.. that I was off doing my own thing.. that I snapped at her in front of customers.. that I wouldnt let her teach me anything.. That she'd say let's go do this and turn around and I was gone.. I hear this and i'm like WTF!??... First of all.. if i'm able to do my own thing.. isn't that good? Isn't that what I am supposed to be doing? I'm not going to have someone training me forever.. Not to mention she followed me to every table I went to. There wasn't a time that she wasn't right next to me, which I'm not complaining about, that was her job that day. What I am complaining about is that she lied and said she was never able to catch up with me. I was very confused. Especially with her saying I snapped at her in front of a customer. When I asked my supervisor about that situation she told me that the waitress had said I had messed up a question and the waitress had corrected me and I had snapped at her in front of the customers. HA HA HA.. pretty sure the waitress and I both know the real story.. Where I had messed up my words and the waitress hadn't told me until we got back in the kitchen what I had sad wrong.. I then laughed at myself and probably called myself handicapped for it too. So just plain irritating. Not to mention everyone was complaining about how I apparently 'left early' the first night I had trained. I had actually stayed later than I was told to. My supervisor told me to stay until I felt confident in what I was doing. She said I could do that or I could stay all the way through which ever I preferred and since I had worked the morning shift all through the night shift, I felt like nine o' clock was a good time for me to go home. So I worked 9 hours in a row.. and I 'left early'. 9 hours of taking in all new stuff.. I think I had it down pretty good. UGH irritated. They then continued to tell me that they didn't think I wanted it bad enough. I cancelled a pretty big photo shoot for that opportunity and it sucked and I cried that I had to do that. She said if I really wanted it I would have to go the following weekend.. the weekend that I have had notes up that I needed it off since November. I would be working the dew tour! I was so mad I just told them to move the other girl up. I wasn't gonna cancel the dew tour and have it look bad on me, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I called Nick & my mom after and told them both SCREW Robintino's. They can have their crew of beaches who don't mind getting walked all over by management. Screw getting paid a quarter above minimum wage when i'm 19 and have worked there for T-H-R-E-E years...SCREW that.. for real. Not to mention one of the girls (love you (;) told me that the supervisor was talking about how unprofessional I was. Pretty ironic for a supervisor to be talking to a 17 year old about how unprofessional I was and what I did.. HA...
Wednesday: Uhm, I honestly don't remember too much of Wednesday..
Thursday: First day of the dew tour. It was so much fun, I was definitely nervous at first. It was a long drive and I suck at directions so I wasn't sure I was gonna find it and be on time! Luckily I was able to find it without trouble at all and it wasn't that difficult of a drive. Nick put twenty dollars in my car so I was able to make it up there every day. (He's sooo sweeet ♥ ) The first day was a little stressful though because I did not know what to expect and I wouldnt know anyone. Luckily the other girls were really easy to get a long with and I had a great time hanging out with them. But the first day was so cold, I really underestimated how cold it was going to be. I came home exhausted as helen keller though.. and I couldnt even take a nap!
Friday: I got all stocked up on warm things! Nick was so cute and he got out all his winter stuff and gave me warm gloves, a black hat, and big wool socks. He even packed me a lunch which made my heart melt.. Once it was time to eat I opened my brown bag with 'Fritz' written on it and found my favorite sammich,, yogurt!! chips... my favorite chocolates ♥ and a super cute note explaining how much I mean to Nick! It was the sweetest thing ever (: Ashle was there that day too so it made it easier when I actually knew someone. It was funny though because all the older ladies had went out and partied the night before and were really hung over. Apparently one of them had to pull over on their way to throw up.. HAHA,, sad...When I got home around five.. I had to rush to get ready and go sell tickets.. then go to a meeting.. then go to the scrapyard. The tickets I had to sell and the meeting I had to go to were clear in Murray and the Scrap Yard is in Ogden. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend willing to drive me to Hell and back.
Saturday: Exhausted already at dew tour. The day dragged on a little because of how tired I was. Being out in the sun for hours at a time is really exhausting. Especially when I didnt get that much sleep the couple nights prior. After I got home I had to rush to get ready for the concert Nick was taking me to. We got home at three am. I guess I can't complain about this part because it was my choice.. But FRAAK!! I had to be at Snow Basin at 930..

Tuesday: I put my 'two weeks' in at tino's.. spent the whole day looking for jobs. Got an interview.
Wednedsay: Had my interview. They called me up later told me they picked someone else.. ::SIIIGHHHH::..... :( . Went to get tickets.. and nick dropped me off to sell some more.. and got in an accident. My heart stopped when he told me :( But he's okay,, thank goodness.
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