HM! I wish I was as good at blogging as I was originally because now before I start my blog I have to think back to the whole week prior whereas before I made my blog daily! So I worked every day last week except for Monday. It was a pretty busy week for me. Monday night was Nick's dad's birthday so we went over there for dinner. Dinner was amazing btw.. Just thinking about it makes me hungry.. Luckily Nickolas is upstairs making me some food! He went to walmart to get us banquet meals cuz I love the chicken finger ones, but he accidentally got me the fish sticks one.. Gross.. But i'll eat it anyway.. sniffle sniffle.. :'( ANYWAY. Tuesday through Saturday I worked so I should be getting a big next pay check! Wahoo. On Wednesday my supervisor took me into her office and told me that I would start training for waitress!!!! I was soo excited but at the same time I was way stressed.. When she told me which days I was going to be training she told me I would have to train either on the 11th or 12th of the following week. When I told her I couldnt do either of those days she said i'd have to or else I couldnt waitress. That was stressful because I didn't want to miss the dew tour. Luckily we were able to reschedule it.

I've trained one day so far and it was pretty stressful! I am definitely a little nervous to do it on my own. It's just stressful to keep up with all the dinners and stuff. Hopefully I can better that which i'm sure I will. My mom came in and the person I was training with let me do the table by myself! It was pretty cool.
We went to Logan Saturday night which sucked because I did NOT want to go especially after my stressful day :( We went to some dance party which made me feel even worse. We didn't get home until like five thirty or six am. I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the car which I never do. By the time we got home I couldn't even function and wanted to be asleep in bed sooo bad! Nick told me he had never seen me so tired before.
Sunday we went down to Nick's parents house for superbowl. They had a lot of good foods haha but the super bowl was lame. I hate watching football and I continue to associate the superbowl with not so great memories. Not to mention that half time show sucked ace. Pretty sure during and the whole hour after the half time everyone's status on face book was something about how horrible the Black Eyed Peas were live. Which i'm not saying I disagree because Fergie's voice was definitely not what it usually sounds like. She's known for her amazing voice.. but it sucked!

After watching the foot ball game for forever, Nick's dad and I got in forever long conversation, haha. We ended up going to bed around one or two! When I woke up this morning I was so run down from the weekend that I thought I was getting a fever or the flu. I think it was because of all the work I did and not getting enough sleep. I think if it werent for me going to Logan I wouldnt have felt so sick. My eyes hurt to have open, my body was so sore and my hands and feets were throbbing :(. It was not good so I decided to relax and do nothing today so I dont end up getting sick for the big weekend I have coming up.
Speaking of this weekend, I CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!
Thursday --
my first day working at the dew tour 10am-4pm @snowbasin
day 2 of the dew tour
free ice cube concert 9-11 on 25th street
$20after party at the scrapyard ft. Nigel and the Metal Dogs from LA 10-2am

day 3 of dew tour
$20 after party ft Codi Jordan Band 8pm-2am
final day of dew tour
both the companies I work for combine with the dew tour to bring you!!
the Dew Tour NATIONAL TELEVISED award show! $20
$10 after party!!!!! <3
So pretty freakin amazing week ahead of me !! Definitely need to rest up for it (: haha!
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