Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I hate that I started making all these in French..
Okay so I tried making a blog about my week . . didnt work out. I keep sucking at doing my blogs right in order like when I started. And it makes it harder the longer it's been, the harder it is to go through and have a detailed memory of each day. It makes the day a sentence long which makes them pointless. So the only thing I really wanted to write about was an amazing thing that happened to me Friday night. I was at a concert hangin out with my friends and dancing. Some girl smiled at me like she knew me, but I didnt know who she was so I just ignored it and continued talking to one of my friends. I then felt someone grab my shoulder and when I turned around it was that girl who smiled at me still smiling at me. She said something like 'hey do you remember her?' and pointed to her friend. Luckily (because I didnt) she continued without waiting for my answer 'do you remember that girl you helped at Jersey?' and I just thought in my head OH MY GOSH! 'this is her' she said.
I looked over to the girl she was pointing to and there stood a little 16 girl looking shy and embarrassed. It looked nothing like the girl I helped on the floor, this girl was cute with clothes on and clean with nice straight hair. I looked at her and said 'really?' and she shook her head embarrassed. I gave her a hug and told her how happy it made me that she was alive and well. Her and all her friends told me she hadn't drank since that night which was very good. She then began to thank me for helping her. It was such a great feeling! That girl was passed out the entire time I was helping her out, she never opened her eyes on her own and never said one word. So in the time that I never got to meet the girl I helped, she never even got to see what the girl who helped her even looked like! It really was a great feeling and it definitely made my night!

Saturday, March 12, 2011
A Beaucoup De Choses à Dire

Guga was at BeniHana's for dinner and so Nick and I went to eat to take up some time. We went to Cafe Rio and after we finished and got back into our car, Nick's car wouldnt start. Well it kinda would, it was just being really difficult and the battery was just acting really weird. Nick tried to start it different ways and we ended up rolling down into the Smith's parking lot. He went in to buy some jumper cables and found someone to jump his car, but the car wasn't holding charge. It was freezing and miserable out too :( Somehow Nick got it to work and we managed to get gas so the car would work completely better. Then around eight ish or eight thirty we finally met up with guga, I was so stressed about the situation I was trying not to cry in front of him, but I was definitely happy to get my purse back. Once we finally got home we cuddled up and watched the Bachelor together (:. Tuesday I worked, but that's all I remember. Wednedsay and Thursday the same. Friday got off work early because there was nothing for me to. I was so tired Friday I ended up passing out on the couch with Nick. Then I got up and got ready to go to COLD BLANK! It was a great night. Dylan and Guga gave Nick a staff wrist band and he got to go back stage with me and it was way fun. Once Cold Blank got there I got to hang out with them in the back room with everyone for a while.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Bleh, i'm getting worse and worse about this whole blog sitch. I guess the whole me not having a job thing has made me lose motivation for a lot of things. I feel like I have nothing going for me currently ! I can't even remember the things I want to write about. It's been like a full week since I have written and I dont even remember what I did last week! Crap. Lets see.. i'll do my best and go by days.. haha!!
Monday: Nick and I went shopping at a couple places from Clinton to Ogden. We went to the New Gate Mall and had some 'dinner'. I wasnt hungry so he bought me an orange julius <3. Afterwards we went to a couple shops inside the mall. When we went to hot topic I accidentally bought a Deadmau5 shirt, but it was so cute I couldnt resist. Then we went home and watched the Bachelor like we do every Monday, pwecious, I know (;.
Tuesday: I went with Roxy and Kim to help them find outfits for concert we went to that weekend. We went to a whole bunch of different stores and only Kim found an outfit. Afterwards we went to sushi at some place called sukiyooki or something.. haha I dont remember. But it was really delicious. Then Roxy took us both to Nick's house so that Kim could get her car. I went up to Nick's door and noticed the door was locked and my phone was dead! So I turned around and yelled Kim's name hoping she hadn't got in her car yet. She turned around and I told her I needed to use her phone. Unfortunately Nick's phone was dead too! I had to call Valek's phone. He didnt answer and I got flustered because of how bad I had to pee. Kim and I sat in her car while I called Nick, we were both way antsy because we both had to pee way bad. Kim decided we weren't waiting any longer and that we HAD to drive to a gas station. Unfortunately the first gas station we went to had a bathroom 'around the back'. AH?.. That's scary.. and it was disgusting so we both decided McDonald's would be better. So we bolted into the bathroom, it was way funny. Then Nick finally got home and let me in and tried to give me a lesson on how to use the garage door opener but I didn't care to listen cuz it doesnt work for me anyway so I ran away..
Wednesday: Wednesday was a bad day, I definitely did not have a good day whatsoever. Nick was gone all and I had to sit at home all by myself and do freaking nothing :( I didnt have any gas or anything so it just sucked. I sat on the computer and slowly disintegrated into dust.
Thursday: There was no Thursday, I was dust.
No jk, EVENTUALLY Nick came home and we went to Bountiful to sell tickets and Nick made me go to Nelson's Custard. So I made him buy me a double F.C Topper. I hadn't had one of those since like my Sr year of high school. My friends and I used to go get those all the time. Mm
Thursday: I dont remember. I did some stuff
Friday: Went to the concert. It was way fun being in my cute sequin dress and I had way cool makeup! Once Nick and all our friends came it was even more fun to see all the people and the great artists! It was a way fun night! At the end I went to go gather my stuff.. and remember what I did to that girl at the Jersey Concert? When I had to get the EMT's and cops and stuff cuz she was passed out in the bathroom? Yeah,, it happened again. Except this girl was passed out on the couch. Valek saw her and ran over to her trying to wake her up. Then Nick told me to look over where Valek was. My heart dropped.. I walked over to the girl lying on the couch and stopped 2 feet before her and asked Valek if she was alive. She didnt look like she was breathing, after a second or two Valek told me she was breathing and I walked closer up to her. I knelt beside her and tried shaking her, she wouldnt wake up. I shoke her so hard and was talking to her saying 'wake up! wake up!'. My heart dropped again when I couldnt see her body moving and I thought she may have died right there. Then I saw her arm move, Nick had gone to get some sort of help. I found a water bottle behind the girl and tried pouring it on her face, she started to move a little and so I continued to pour it on her hoping she would wake up more. Someone behind me started laughing and telling me not to drown her, when I turned around I realized there were a few people watching that I didnt know. She started to move around and start talking. I grabbed her phone to see if she had any body I could call,,, buuttt.. her phone didn't even have a battery in it. I had to ask her if she knew anyone's number that I could call to come get her. The cops said she had to either get a ride home or they were taking her into jail. The first number she gave me was her moms, but the phone was off. I kept calling because that was the only number she could give us. She got mad and wanted my phone so she could call someone but she kept dialing 3-4 digit numbers which obviously didnt work. She'd sometimes put her phone up to hear and sit there saying she was calling friends and we had to keep reminding her that her phone didn't have a battery. I asked her a final time if she knew someone's number and she said 'yeah there's Dylan's'. When I asked her what Dylan's number was she said 'R-O-C' I said roc?...and with the biggest attitude she said 'R!!O!!C!!!!' and I was like okay..? as in 706? (or w/e it is..) and she said 'yes!' so I asked the rest and it was 'S-T-R'. I asked for the final number and she said 'that's it! that's all i know!' I had to tell her that R-O-C-S-T-R was not a real number but 6 letters. She had such a bad attitude the whole time I even had to tell her whoa, quit acting like that, i'm trying to help you! Since she couldnt find anyone to get her because none of her numbers made sense, she got hauled into jail.
Saturday- Around 6 o clock Ariel picked me up to go to the Escape The Fate concert. She knew some of the band and the singers room mate so we got free VIP. We got in the bus and hung out until Escape The Fate got on stage. The room mate ( who is in another band called mest and another one which I cant remember) took us to the sound booth so we could hear better and see the band play. After they played we hung out in the bus some more and got free clothes, it was awesome! I got a way cute shirt that says 'Rehab Is For Quitters' hahah.
Sunday- I dont wan to talk about sucked.
Monday- Also sucked ..
Tuesday- I got a job (: wahoo!
Monday: Nick and I went shopping at a couple places from Clinton to Ogden. We went to the New Gate Mall and had some 'dinner'. I wasnt hungry so he bought me an orange julius <3. Afterwards we went to a couple shops inside the mall. When we went to hot topic I accidentally bought a Deadmau5 shirt, but it was so cute I couldnt resist. Then we went home and watched the Bachelor like we do every Monday, pwecious, I know (;.
Tuesday: I went with Roxy and Kim to help them find outfits for concert we went to that weekend. We went to a whole bunch of different stores and only Kim found an outfit. Afterwards we went to sushi at some place called sukiyooki or something.. haha I dont remember. But it was really delicious. Then Roxy took us both to Nick's house so that Kim could get her car. I went up to Nick's door and noticed the door was locked and my phone was dead! So I turned around and yelled Kim's name hoping she hadn't got in her car yet. She turned around and I told her I needed to use her phone. Unfortunately Nick's phone was dead too! I had to call Valek's phone. He didnt answer and I got flustered because of how bad I had to pee. Kim and I sat in her car while I called Nick, we were both way antsy because we both had to pee way bad. Kim decided we weren't waiting any longer and that we HAD to drive to a gas station. Unfortunately the first gas station we went to had a bathroom 'around the back'. AH?.. That's scary.. and it was disgusting so we both decided McDonald's would be better. So we bolted into the bathroom, it was way funny. Then Nick finally got home and let me in and tried to give me a lesson on how to use the garage door opener but I didn't care to listen cuz it doesnt work for me anyway so I ran away..
Wednesday: Wednesday was a bad day, I definitely did not have a good day whatsoever. Nick was gone all and I had to sit at home all by myself and do freaking nothing :( I didnt have any gas or anything so it just sucked. I sat on the computer and slowly disintegrated into dust.
Thursday: There was no Thursday, I was dust.

Thursday: I dont remember. I did some stuff
Friday: Went to the concert. It was way fun being in my cute sequin dress and I had way cool makeup! Once Nick and all our friends came it was even more fun to see all the people and the great artists! It was a way fun night! At the end I went to go gather my stuff.. and remember what I did to that girl at the Jersey Concert? When I had to get the EMT's and cops and stuff cuz she was passed out in the bathroom? Yeah,, it happened again. Except this girl was passed out on the couch. Valek saw her and ran over to her trying to wake her up. Then Nick told me to look over where Valek was. My heart dropped.. I walked over to the girl lying on the couch and stopped 2 feet before her and asked Valek if she was alive. She didnt look like she was breathing, after a second or two Valek told me she was breathing and I walked closer up to her. I knelt beside her and tried shaking her, she wouldnt wake up. I shoke her so hard and was talking to her saying 'wake up! wake up!'. My heart dropped again when I couldnt see her body moving and I thought she may have died right there. Then I saw her arm move, Nick had gone to get some sort of help. I found a water bottle behind the girl and tried pouring it on her face, she started to move a little and so I continued to pour it on her hoping she would wake up more. Someone behind me started laughing and telling me not to drown her, when I turned around I realized there were a few people watching that I didnt know. She started to move around and start talking. I grabbed her phone to see if she had any body I could call,,, buuttt.. her phone didn't even have a battery in it. I had to ask her if she knew anyone's number that I could call to come get her. The cops said she had to either get a ride home or they were taking her into jail. The first number she gave me was her moms, but the phone was off. I kept calling because that was the only number she could give us. She got mad and wanted my phone so she could call someone but she kept dialing 3-4 digit numbers which obviously didnt work. She'd sometimes put her phone up to hear and sit there saying she was calling friends and we had to keep reminding her that her phone didn't have a battery. I asked her a final time if she knew someone's number and she said 'yeah there's Dylan's'. When I asked her what Dylan's number was she said 'R-O-C' I said roc?...and with the biggest attitude she said 'R!!O!!C!!!!' and I was like okay..? as in 706? (or w/e it is..) and she said 'yes!' so I asked the rest and it was 'S-T-R'. I asked for the final number and she said 'that's it! that's all i know!' I had to tell her that R-O-C-S-T-R was not a real number but 6 letters. She had such a bad attitude the whole time I even had to tell her whoa, quit acting like that, i'm trying to help you! Since she couldnt find anyone to get her because none of her numbers made sense, she got hauled into jail.
Saturday- Around 6 o clock Ariel picked me up to go to the Escape The Fate concert. She knew some of the band and the singers room mate so we got free VIP. We got in the bus and hung out until Escape The Fate got on stage. The room mate ( who is in another band called mest and another one which I cant remember) took us to the sound booth so we could hear better and see the band play. After they played we hung out in the bus some more and got free clothes, it was awesome! I got a way cute shirt that says 'Rehab Is For Quitters' hahah.
Sunday- I dont wan to talk about sucked.
Monday- Also sucked ..
Tuesday- I got a job (: wahoo!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
French Words
HEY HEY HEY!! --said in fat albert voice (;--
So this week has been so freaking lame. I feel like SUCH a loozer :P haha. I dont have a car, or a job. I'm just too cool for those things, dah! Cuz even though i'm a loser, i'm still pretty happy (: Plus I am going to be working SuperCross April 30th!! I am so excited! Another really good modeling job!
So my Friday was aiight. My friend Ariel and I went to dinner to get sushi. I LOVE SUSHII. I have been craving the vegas roll ever since we ate it there.
Saturday was way fun though. Nick and I went on a double date with his sister and her giwlfrenn, Brooke&&Amanda. We went to Tepanyaki in Layton and it was SOO much fun! The cook we got was so funny, I've never had a cook that talked as much as he did but he was really funny. When he did the volcano thing with the onions,, one of the little kids on our table said 'VOLCANO!' and the cook ( who was Asian) said 'you say that like asian... 'volcano!' like asian.. like 'ham fly licee'' hahaha. he was making fun of himself it was hilarious. When he started to throw the shrimp in people's mouths, I got nervous. I even said I was nervous because they always land on my eyes or my hair. (hahaha,, when I wrote that it made me laugh.. shrimp in my eyes.. hahaa) And the cook guy said 'well thats not my fault, I am saying catch it in your mouth not your eyeballs!' haha. And for the first time I actually caught a shrimp. Wahoo. Nick caught 2/3 of his shrimps and then immediately spit them out after because he doesnt like shrimp. When the cook saw he said 'you dont even like shrimp? Why didnt you tell me, I speak English! Duh!' hahahah. Oh man good night! Afterwards we went to go see the Adam Sandler movie that is out right now. I think it is called 'Just Go With It'.. but im not positive.
Today we're going to dinner with at my grandma's to have pulled pork sammiches and cole slaw. ECHK.
My blog sucks todayyy. I dont know why I even postedddd... I just was bored I guessss.
So this week has been so freaking lame. I feel like SUCH a loozer :P haha. I dont have a car, or a job. I'm just too cool for those things, dah! Cuz even though i'm a loser, i'm still pretty happy (: Plus I am going to be working SuperCross April 30th!! I am so excited! Another really good modeling job!
So my Friday was aiight. My friend Ariel and I went to dinner to get sushi. I LOVE SUSHII. I have been craving the vegas roll ever since we ate it there.
Saturday was way fun though. Nick and I went on a double date with his sister and her giwlfrenn, Brooke&&Amanda. We went to Tepanyaki in Layton and it was SOO much fun! The cook we got was so funny, I've never had a cook that talked as much as he did but he was really funny. When he did the volcano thing with the onions,, one of the little kids on our table said 'VOLCANO!' and the cook ( who was Asian) said 'you say that like asian... 'volcano!' like asian.. like 'ham fly licee'' hahaha. he was making fun of himself it was hilarious. When he started to throw the shrimp in people's mouths, I got nervous. I even said I was nervous because they always land on my eyes or my hair. (hahaha,, when I wrote that it made me laugh.. shrimp in my eyes.. hahaa) And the cook guy said 'well thats not my fault, I am saying catch it in your mouth not your eyeballs!' haha. And for the first time I actually caught a shrimp. Wahoo. Nick caught 2/3 of his shrimps and then immediately spit them out after because he doesnt like shrimp. When the cook saw he said 'you dont even like shrimp? Why didnt you tell me, I speak English! Duh!' hahahah. Oh man good night! Afterwards we went to go see the Adam Sandler movie that is out right now. I think it is called 'Just Go With It'.. but im not positive.

My blog sucks todayyy. I dont know why I even postedddd... I just was bored I guessss.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mon Corps Est Faible
I know it's been a minute since i've written, but I had such an exhausting weekend it's not even funny. So the last time I wrote was Monday, so i'll just go by the days and what happened.. well from what I remember..
Tuesday: Went to work at four despite a slight fever.. Felt like complete and utter crap :( But I was training that day so I had to stick around the whole shift. Fortunately the section I was in was a slow section.. Not really sure why I was put in a slow section.. but we only got three tables. The waitress wanted to switch off but I decided to do the work of the first section I was originally supposed to be so I could go home and rest. I really felt so bleh :(
Wednesday: Felt even bleh-ier.. I texted my supervisor telling her I wasn't gonna come in that day. I wasn't even scheduled for that day anyway, it was just if I felt I needed to go in that day. Which a) I didn't feel like I needed to.. and b) I felt like crap. So there really was no reason I needed to be there. I really wasn't even scheduled.. But I texted my supervisor and called her... and she didn't answer.. So I called her when she was at work and asked her if she didnt get any of my texts or any calls and she said she did.. So i'm thinking.. why didn't she reply? And she told me that she said she wanted to talk to the other waitresses I trained with first..Here's the part where i'm super annoyed.. She said she talked to both the waitresses I had trained with and both of them said I was not ready to go out on the floor by myself. I trained with three waitresses but she said nothing about the first one. Apparently the second one I trained with said that she felt like she wasn't even training me.. that I was off doing my own thing.. that I snapped at her in front of customers.. that I wouldnt let her teach me anything.. That she'd say let's go do this and turn around and I was gone.. I hear this and i'm like WTF!??... First of all.. if i'm able to do my own thing.. isn't that good? Isn't that what I am supposed to be doing? I'm not going to have someone training me forever.. Not to mention she followed me to every table I went to. There wasn't a time that she wasn't right next to me, which I'm not complaining about, that was her job that day. What I am complaining about is that she lied and said she was never able to catch up with me. I was very confused. Especially with her saying I snapped at her in front of a customer. When I asked my supervisor about that situation she told me that the waitress had said I had messed up a question and the waitress had corrected me and I had snapped at her in front of the customers. HA HA HA.. pretty sure the waitress and I both know the real story.. Where I had messed up my words and the waitress hadn't told me until we got back in the kitchen what I had sad wrong.. I then laughed at myself and probably called myself handicapped for it too. So just plain irritating. Not to mention everyone was complaining about how I apparently 'left early' the first night I had trained. I had actually stayed later than I was told to. My supervisor told me to stay until I felt confident in what I was doing. She said I could do that or I could stay all the way through which ever I preferred and since I had worked the morning shift all through the night shift, I felt like nine o' clock was a good time for me to go home. So I worked 9 hours in a row.. and I 'left early'. 9 hours of taking in all new stuff.. I think I had it down pretty good. UGH irritated. They then continued to tell me that they didn't think I wanted it bad enough. I cancelled a pretty big photo shoot for that opportunity and it sucked and I cried that I had to do that. She said if I really wanted it I would have to go the following weekend.. the weekend that I have had notes up that I needed it off since November. I would be working the dew tour! I was so mad I just told them to move the other girl up. I wasn't gonna cancel the dew tour and have it look bad on me, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I called Nick & my mom after and told them both SCREW Robintino's. They can have their crew of beaches who don't mind getting walked all over by management. Screw getting paid a quarter above minimum wage when i'm 19 and have worked there for T-H-R-E-E years...SCREW that.. for real. Not to mention one of the girls (love you (;) told me that the supervisor was talking about how unprofessional I was. Pretty ironic for a supervisor to be talking to a 17 year old about how unprofessional I was and what I did.. HA...
Wednesday: Uhm, I honestly don't remember too much of Wednesday..
Thursday: First day of the dew tour. It was so much fun, I was definitely nervous at first. It was a long drive and I suck at directions so I wasn't sure I was gonna find it and be on time! Luckily I was able to find it without trouble at all and it wasn't that difficult of a drive. Nick put twenty dollars in my car so I was able to make it up there every day. (He's sooo sweeet ♥ ) The first day was a little stressful though because I did not know what to expect and I wouldnt know anyone. Luckily the other girls were really easy to get a long with and I had a great time hanging out with them. But the first day was so cold, I really underestimated how cold it was going to be. I came home exhausted as helen keller though.. and I couldnt even take a nap!
Friday: I got all stocked up on warm things! Nick was so cute and he got out all his winter stuff and gave me warm gloves, a black hat, and big wool socks. He even packed me a lunch which made my heart melt.. Once it was time to eat I opened my brown bag with 'Fritz' written on it and found my favorite sammich,, yogurt!! chips... my favorite chocolates ♥ and a super cute note explaining how much I mean to Nick! It was the sweetest thing ever (: Ashle was there that day too so it made it easier when I actually knew someone. It was funny though because all the older ladies had went out and partied the night before and were really hung over. Apparently one of them had to pull over on their way to throw up.. HAHA,, sad...When I got home around five.. I had to rush to get ready and go sell tickets.. then go to a meeting.. then go to the scrapyard. The tickets I had to sell and the meeting I had to go to were clear in Murray and the Scrap Yard is in Ogden. Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend willing to drive me to Hell and back.
Saturday: Exhausted already at dew tour. The day dragged on a little because of how tired I was. Being out in the sun for hours at a time is really exhausting. Especially when I didnt get that much sleep the couple nights prior. After I got home I had to rush to get ready for the concert Nick was taking me to. We got home at three am. I guess I can't complain about this part because it was my choice.. But FRAAK!! I had to be at Snow Basin at 930..

Tuesday: I put my 'two weeks' in at tino's.. spent the whole day looking for jobs. Got an interview.
Wednedsay: Had my interview. They called me up later told me they picked someone else.. ::SIIIGHHHH::..... :( . Went to get tickets.. and nick dropped me off to sell some more.. and got in an accident. My heart stopped when he told me :( But he's okay,, thank goodness.
Monday, February 7, 2011
HM! I wish I was as good at blogging as I was originally because now before I start my blog I have to think back to the whole week prior whereas before I made my blog daily! So I worked every day last week except for Monday. It was a pretty busy week for me. Monday night was Nick's dad's birthday so we went over there for dinner. Dinner was amazing btw.. Just thinking about it makes me hungry.. Luckily Nickolas is upstairs making me some food! He went to walmart to get us banquet meals cuz I love the chicken finger ones, but he accidentally got me the fish sticks one.. Gross.. But i'll eat it anyway.. sniffle sniffle.. :'( ANYWAY. Tuesday through Saturday I worked so I should be getting a big next pay check! Wahoo. On Wednesday my supervisor took me into her office and told me that I would start training for waitress!!!! I was soo excited but at the same time I was way stressed.. When she told me which days I was going to be training she told me I would have to train either on the 11th or 12th of the following week. When I told her I couldnt do either of those days she said i'd have to or else I couldnt waitress. That was stressful because I didn't want to miss the dew tour. Luckily we were able to reschedule it.
I've trained one day so far and it was pretty stressful! I am definitely a little nervous to do it on my own. It's just stressful to keep up with all the dinners and stuff. Hopefully I can better that which i'm sure I will. My mom came in and the person I was training with let me do the table by myself! It was pretty cool.
We went to Logan Saturday night which sucked because I did NOT want to go especially after my stressful day :( We went to some dance party which made me feel even worse. We didn't get home until like five thirty or six am. I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the car which I never do. By the time we got home I couldn't even function and wanted to be asleep in bed sooo bad! Nick told me he had never seen me so tired before.
Sunday we went down to Nick's parents house for superbowl. They had a lot of good foods haha but the super bowl was lame. I hate watching football and I continue to associate the superbowl with not so great memories. Not to mention that half time show sucked ace. Pretty sure during and the whole hour after the half time everyone's status on face book was something about how horrible the Black Eyed Peas were live. Which i'm not saying I disagree because Fergie's voice was definitely not what it usually sounds like. She's known for her amazing voice.. but it sucked!
After watching the foot ball game for forever, Nick's dad and I got in forever long conversation, haha. We ended up going to bed around one or two! When I woke up this morning I was so run down from the weekend that I thought I was getting a fever or the flu. I think it was because of all the work I did and not getting enough sleep. I think if it werent for me going to Logan I wouldnt have felt so sick. My eyes hurt to have open, my body was so sore and my hands and feets were throbbing :(. It was not good so I decided to relax and do nothing today so I dont end up getting sick for the big weekend I have coming up.
Speaking of this weekend, I CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!
Thursday --
my first day working at the dew tour 10am-4pm @snowbasin
day 2 of the dew tour
free ice cube concert 9-11 on 25th street
$20after party at the scrapyard ft. Nigel and the Metal Dogs from LA 10-2am

day 3 of dew tour
$20 after party ft Codi Jordan Band 8pm-2am
final day of dew tour
both the companies I work for combine with the dew tour to bring you!!
the Dew Tour NATIONAL TELEVISED award show! $20
$10 after party!!!!! <3
So pretty freakin amazing week ahead of me !! Definitely need to rest up for it (: haha!

We went to Logan Saturday night which sucked because I did NOT want to go especially after my stressful day :( We went to some dance party which made me feel even worse. We didn't get home until like five thirty or six am. I was so tired I actually fell asleep in the car which I never do. By the time we got home I couldn't even function and wanted to be asleep in bed sooo bad! Nick told me he had never seen me so tired before.
Sunday we went down to Nick's parents house for superbowl. They had a lot of good foods haha but the super bowl was lame. I hate watching football and I continue to associate the superbowl with not so great memories. Not to mention that half time show sucked ace. Pretty sure during and the whole hour after the half time everyone's status on face book was something about how horrible the Black Eyed Peas were live. Which i'm not saying I disagree because Fergie's voice was definitely not what it usually sounds like. She's known for her amazing voice.. but it sucked!

Speaking of this weekend, I CANT FREAKIN WAIT!!
Thursday --
my first day working at the dew tour 10am-4pm @snowbasin
day 2 of the dew tour
free ice cube concert 9-11 on 25th street
$20after party at the scrapyard ft. Nigel and the Metal Dogs from LA 10-2am

day 3 of dew tour
$20 after party ft Codi Jordan Band 8pm-2am
final day of dew tour
both the companies I work for combine with the dew tour to bring you!!
the Dew Tour NATIONAL TELEVISED award show! $20
$10 after party!!!!! <3
So pretty freakin amazing week ahead of me !! Definitely need to rest up for it (: haha!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My shoot Wednesday was with Jon Henderson or AdPhoto Design. Jon is a really great and fun guy to work with, although our shoot was like.. suuppperr long,, it was really fun! His studio was in Bountiful and since that's where i'm from,, it was easy to find! I got to his studio and was surprised by how nice it was! I'd never been in a studio like it before, I was amazed! All the photographers I've ever worked with just use a room in their house, even Jake Garn. When I got to his house we picked out an outfit and headed down to SLC. We found a way cool alley way that Jon had been wanting to shoot at. It was smelly and creepy, but made great pics. On our way back to the studio, Jon bought us McDonald's, I thought that was such a sweet gesture. We got back and I got to meet his beautiful wife and kids! After we ate we got to shooting again. I have a really super cute PlayBoy jacket that Jon loved. He told me he was shooting for playboy and thought the jacket would be perfect to send in! Not to scare you,, PlayBoy energy drink! Haha, totally different than PlayBoy, no porn. Haha, the guy just bought rights for their logo so he could put them on an energy drink. So we took some pictures of that and we took some pictures with my wolf jacket. I had lots of fun!
On my way home from the shoot, I got a text from the owner of Imagine.. the owner of the condo we had won in Park City. He told me that someone had offered him 2,000 a night to stay there over SunDance. I cried my freaking eyes out! I was soo excited and looking forward to getting away for the weekend.. Especially considering I just got work off and everything :(. I told Nick and he was just as upset. It sucked. But my sweet Nickolas had the idea of going out for a date Friday night.
Thursday night after work I got online and saw a photographer online that I had just recently looked at her work. I told her I liked it and asked if she ever did trade work. She told me she didn't but made an exception for me. She then continued to tell me she needed a model for a test shoot with fake gauge earrings. I told her i'd be happy to and we should set up a date. She said how about friday (the next day!). I told her okay and we set it all up. She lived far :( But I drove down to her place and we shot in a raquet ball court. She was such a cute sweet girl I definitely enjoyed shooting with her.PLUS she had the freakin cutest cats in the world and I wish I had 98383948 million catssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Anyway,,,,, she had me model the fake gauge earrings which were so freaking cute, I want a pair! She put pics up that night and I am seriously in love with them! Not to mention she sent them into the website and they loved me! So now im on their website! Click here to see me modeling them! I got two pictures on those earrings,, aren't they soo cute?!
After I got home, Nick and I started to get ready for our night out. We went out to Ogden at the junction and had such a fun night! We went to Iggy's for dinner and stuffed ourselves full. We were gonna go bowling after but we got soo tired from eating that we just decided to see a movie and if we were more awake after we'd go bowling. So we walked across the street from Iggy's to the theatre! They had a color photobooth there and Nick walked me over to take some pictures! It was fun and we got way cute pictures that I love! I wish I had them on the computer, I need to scan them in! Anyway we went and saw 'The Dilemma' and Nick bought me a big pickle to eat and it was delicious. Although afterwards he said I smelled like a pickle and that it was gross. Haha! The Dilemma was such a funny movie though, Nick and I definitely enjoyed seeing it! When we got out, for some reason we both had a bunch of energy! Weird though because I didnt think we would be wanting to go bowling after, just ready for bed, but I was wrong! So we walked across the street to Fat Cat's and Nick bought us a game of bowling. Nick and I were trying on shoes and it was soo funny,, at the exact same time we looked over at each other and said 'are you ready to get your @$$ whooped/beat!?' hahahhaha I laughed so hard! Except for the fact that Nick actually beat me.. brat never told me he was good at bowling! But we had so much fun together. It was such a fun night!
Today happens to be our ♥ five months being togetherness!! ♥
I freakin love Nickolas Matthew Schultz (:
**PS!! I have an upcoming shoot for a magazine.. a prom issue for pristeen magazineee. wahooo :D :D :D
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