I thought I was gonna have another boring day today and I almost didnt even want to make a blog. Today went as the last few days have gone.. I woke up with a stupid head ache. But so did Nick, he felt so horrible his body was achy all over and I felt so bad cuz it was all my fault :( stupid being sickness. But he still got me lunches (: Subway. Sammiches are my favorite. Anyway, that was all the same.. Only two interesting things happened today. You know that number game on face book? Send me a number in a message and i'll post my status about what I think of you? Yeah well that game was fun at first, but then it just got boring and I was tired of telling people what I thought of them. Plus when one girl I didnt like did it... I just didnt put anything from her.. Well I wasn't gonna lie.. But one of my old friends posted on my wall a number.. except, I never sent him a number.. This is what he said:
We used to have some good times, good laughs.. And out of the blue, literally out of the blue I get this. I may have felt a little less bad about it if I had asked for it.. But I really hadn't and I hadn't played that number game in a bit either.. So I was definitely confused.. And I know myself more than I would say,, anyone else? And that definitely isn't me..My beauty has devoured my personality? I dont understand how someone I dont know has the option of telling me that I do not have a personality. Because quite frankly I think I have the same personality as I did back when I used to hang out with that crew. And then he goes on to tell me that I won't be getting sympathy from him.. I don't think I ask sympathy of anyone? The 'trying to get into your designer lucky brands' made me laugh. HA! Who does this kid think he is? I can't hardly afford rent let alone designer jeans, so I definitely don't have to 'try' to get into them.. My spoiled wasted mind? F*** with others and then gloat about it on my blog? I guess he might have been talking about the whole Theresa thing.. Which I could care less..Fraak, I don't know what the heck that was.. But it kinda went a long with what I was talking about last night.. You never know what is going on with others lives and you shouldn't say rude things when they aren't needed. Maybe if I was being a b**** to him and I deserved it. But seriously out of the blue.. ughh.. Not something I wanted to hear .. :/
Okay now first off all, wtf? I haven't talked to this kid in a while.. He used to live behind me when I lived with my mom and he was best friends with my best friends older brother. I'm still friends with that friend and his older brother.. I thought I was friends with him too.. It definitely took me by surprise..

Second of all, you can tell these are all quotes from songs. I know the last line is Incubus, one of my favorite songs actually. But f'real, I have done nothing to this kid.. I really honestly thought we were friends.
Okay so... fast forward to after work. You know how when something bad happens and you can't stop thinking about how it could have been worse? It just replays in the ways it could have been worse in your mind and it's kinda scary..? Well, that is how I felt after a very scary incident that happened to Nick and I. Ahhh., thinking about it makes me want to cry again :( So Nick picked me up after work so we could go sell seven tickets. I was excited because we were gonna sell seven meaning we'd only need seven more until we got to fifty! I called up Dylan and told him we'd need more tickets and he was gonna deliver them to us first thing in the morning! Awesome right?o we pull up to the Maverick where we were gonna meet him and there were hoodrats everywhere.. I got a little nervous and locked my door. Nick called the kid and he didnt answer so he texted him saying 'I'm here'. The replied asking if we for sure had seven. Nick said we have nine. The kid called Nick and asked him to meet at the super savers that was across the street. I was confused why we would meet him across the street when he could just drive over to where we were originally meeting, but Nick said it was because he didnt have a car and was walking. We pulled into the parking lot and there were a group of scary looking mexicans. I told him I hoped it wasn't them because of how scary they looked. Nick said he wasn't gonna get out of the car, so he pulled up to them and rolled down his window. One of the guys asked Nick if he was the ticket guy and Nick said yeah. He walked up to the car and my heart immediately dropped.. There was something definitely sketch about these guys.. He asked if the tickets were real and if he could see them. Nick gave him one and he looked it over and asked his friends if they had money on them. That was super sketchy,, why would he meet up with us if he didnt have the money?

He then gave Nick the ticket back in the oddest way. I didnt know exactly what happened until after, but I had an idea. When he gave it back, he stuck his arm all the way into the window into Nick's lap where Nick was holding the rest of the tickets. It looked like he was either shoving the ticket into Nick's hands or just trying to jack the rest of them. If I had known exactly what did happen I would have told Nick to drive off just then, I was already shaking because of what that guy just did.. Then the scary thing happened.. The guy looked over at his friends and they were all asking if the tickets were real and stuff..
And then the guy tried punching Nick! I was so
freaking scared I dont even remember what I said but I remember being scared and yelling something like 'Drive!' or something.. Nick started driving and the guy was still trying to get Nick and held onto the car. He finally let go and we got away. I couldnt believe it! I was so scared I just started crying. I was just confused by the whole situation, it was so scary to see! It hurt my heart in all sorts of ways :( Thinking that someone would try to steal from us.. and not only steal but hurt us... Watching that guy try to hurt Nick... I just couldnt handle it :( I kept replaying it in my head over and over again .. Thinking over the different things that could have happened.. That guy was big! He could have hurt Nick! Apparently he did hit Nick, right in the ear. But Nick moved back so he didnt get his face. But his ear?! That is on your face, that is so close. He could have hurt Nick.. He could had a gun.. He could have taken the tickets the first time... I called Dylan and told him that we wouldnt need the tickets first thing in the morning anymore and that we almost got jacked. Dylan said okay he'd give them to me later that night. I texted him after saying that was a scary situation. He then called me again and asked what happened. When I told him he said it was bulls*** and asked me to send him his number. He was gonna see if any of his promoters had that number and if we saw him at the show Dylan would have him arrested for trespassing. I cried all the way home,, every time I thought about it I cried harder. I couldnt stand the thought of some creepers hurting my Nick :( That was the most scary thing about it. We got home and Nick looked up the kids signature that the kid used when he was texting. Some weird gang ish.. First thing that popped up was some kids myspace. We scanned the page and found his first name, Marco. So I texted the number Nick had off of a different phone pretending to be some girl that couldnt tell which Marco it was in her phone. I texted how those weird Mexi girls text... 'Iz ths Marco? I cant figur out whch Marcoz whch in my fon! lolz!' It worked. Marco Rubio was his name. Perfect, tomorrow we're gonna file a police report. Nick showed me a text the kid had sent after the whole ordeal. It was something like 'na, you lucky, i'll get you next time. Welcome to Rose Park' But of course it was more vulgar with swear words and such. Scary night. All I can say is someone loves us up there. We can definitely thank our lucky stars.

I'll thank my guardian angel for that, thanks dad. I hope that guy has what's coming to him.. When Nick texted him saying he knew his name, the kid pretended he didnt do anything. Fortunately we still have all the texts.. Oh, I almost forgot. This part was something that blew my mind and gave me hope. On the way home right next to an always busy light, there were two little girls younger than I pushing a car into the gas station. Nick got out of his car and ran up to the other car to help the little girls push it. At the same time some other guy did the same thing and another guy pulled up the to the side but made it just as the car was settled. Nick ran back without saying a word and the little girls ran back to their car and the other guy back to his.None of them knew the guy that they were helping out, yet they all did without hesitation. What amazed me the most, is that Nick had just been betrayed by some stranger and instead of blowing off some stranger who needed help because he was angry about the other guy,, Nick got right out and helped him. Not saying one word to anyone about it, he just did it. Nick is such an amazing person, he is my hero. I really wish I could be more like him! He really is the most selfless person I know. <3