
Friday, December 31, 2010

La Neige

Oh my gosh I freaking hate this weather! There is soo much snow everywhere I can't believe it. I wish it would all just go away.. We didn't even have snow on Christmas! Just the day after, lucky me. Snow on my birthday. I wish I had a summer birthday! Luckily on our outings of yesterday Nickolas's mom let us take her jeep which is 4 wheel drive. Anyway! Got up late a freaking gain!! That made me stressed cuz I knew I had  a lot to do! Had to hurry and get ready and my stupid hair wasn't working like it hasn't been for the past week. I have little hairs in the front that are like.. black people hairs. They won't do anything but frizz out. They come out of my part like a little triangle in the front and they wont stay on either side of the part! IrRiTaTiNg.. Anyway so after I got ready Nick and I headed down to Bountiful to run some of my errands.
The roads were so bad it made me late so I couldnt run to the bank and do my stuff there. The roads were seriously so horrible if you didnt have you're breaks on you would slide into the car next to you because it was so icy! When we got down to Bountiful we went to the Addiction clothing store across the street from my work. I had to exchange a bag my gramma gave me for Christmas. It was the first thing I have ever exchanged from her! She always gives us the receipts and tells us if we dont like it bla bla bla.. but I always tell her to not bother giving them to us because we allllways like what she gets us. And she says 'well I just dont know with your age now'. I always find it to be a useless and annoying conversation but thank goodness she had it this time because I would not have used that bag. So I took it to the store and asked if I could exchange it cuz it was ugly. I picked out an OK shirt.. I'm not used to shopping at a store where shirts are like 25-40 bucks. That is just ridiculous! Ten bucks is the max i'll pay on a shirt and it better be a dang cute one! The shirt I exchanged the bag for was 23 dollars. That is still a lot. Anyway after that I went to get my Eyelashes done by Tasha. They look soo good! I had fun hangin out and talkin to her too. We had a lot to talk about and it made me realize I should hang out with her more! Nick had dropped me off there and went to visit his parents house while I got them done. When I called him I asked what he was doing and apologized for taking longer than I had thought. He told me his parents weren't home so he was snow blowing their driveway. How freaking sweet is that? He said he had nothing better to do so he just did them a big favor. He has such a big heart I swear he never thinks of just himself. After he picked me up we went to Rue21 for a NYE dress. I couldnt find one I liked so I got a long shirt that will look really cute with my black hairs. When we were shopping I started to get sharp pains running through my chest, tummy, and back. They were horrible I really thought at one point I might actually have to go to the hospital. They were that bad! We hurried out of the store and to the In N' Out burger across the way so we could eat and I could pee. I kinda thought that it was because I held it in too long ( I dont care if this is gross.. this is my account on life and it's what happened ). I told Nick what I wanted to eat and ran into the bathroom. I still didnt feel better!! Very upsetting. I found a place for Nick and I to sit down and when he came back he had asked if I felt better. I told him kinda, but the only reason for that is because I figured out how to make them not hurt as bad. If I held my breathe! I cant hold my breathe for very long so I just wanted to start crying :( Nothing else I could do and I'm a baby, so I almost did. Then there was a stupid little mexican kid running about and jumping on the table behind us. His parents were watching laughing at how 'adorable' he was. Hardy har har.. Then the kid grabbed my hair and I immediately turned around and told the parents that their kid was pulling my hair and something something about how about they .. control him or something. I dont know I was mad so I dont remember specifically what I said. But right as I turned around Nick was grabbing my hands and saying no dont! I asked him why he was trying to stop me and he said he didnt know... weirdo.. Anyway I started feeling better so when Nick and I got him we decided to play the Kinect. We played til we got tired, but it was so much fun! We even unlocked an achievement that I thought was cute, it was called 'Best Buds'. It made me happy cuz we are best buds <3 (:. After that Nick set up speakers in his bathroom for my Ipod and we danced around and sang and acted like complete weirdos for like half an hour. Haha it was so much fun we were laughing the whole time. It was one of those moments you'd see on a movie and wish you and your boyfriend would have a moment as cute as that. Except it really did happen and it was perfect (:. It probably doesn't sound as perfect as it was.. haha but I thought it was (:.
Today should be a good day. We're going down to my friend Roxy's house for a little party. And Ariel is back from California, I met her at naughty or nice (she is one of Nick's friends girlfriends) but she was so cute i'm excited to hang out with her.
One last thing before I go. Yesterday I was playing one of those question games on Facebook where people answer questions about you and you have to unlock them to see who answered them. Well I wanted to answer more questions but I ran out of coins so I filled out all these lame survey things so I could get more. One of them was for 24 hour fitness. All I had to do was register for a free 14 day pass and then I could get like 30 coins. They didnt even have one around where I lived so I chose the one out in Taylorsville. I only did it to get the coins,, I already have a gym pass! So at the beginning of me writing this blog I got a phone call from 24 hour fitness and I had to explain to him that my reasoning for that was just for coins on facebook. It was pretty embarrassing especially when the guy laughed at me.. wahoo. Haha. Anyeway I doubt i'll write until next year,, so Happy New Years!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pas Grand-Chose

Done a whole lot of freaking NOTHING lately.. I need a new job soo bad :( But it's okay for this week because Nick has the week off until Thursday. So we can do nothing together. Yesterday I went to my friend Bailey's house and we did a whole lot of nothing.. We were gonna rent a redbox, make peanut butter bars, and do our nails. Yeah none of that happened except for the last.. Which I ended up doing them by myself.. Disappointing night, ha, but not a big deal. When I left Nicks, Nick was heading down to Kaysville as well. When we got off the Kaysville exit he told me to pull over at the checkers auto parts ( I think that is what it's called ). I was confused, but did so anyway. He motioned for me to stay in my car and wait as he ran inside. When he came out he got in my passenger side and asked if I had my I-pod, he's so sweet, he got me one of those radio transmitter things so that I can listen to my pod in my car. I love it! It makes driving all over Utah way less boring! Anyway when I got to Bailey's we immediately left and went to Smith's Market so she could get some hair dye and stuff for her mom. She told me I had to help her but I told her there was no way because I have been putting off dying my hair because I hate the actual process and I was gonna do it tonight anyway. I wanted to steer clear of dye, but I ended up helping anyway :/ When we got to her house, instead of watching a movie, we watched a show called 'obsessed' on netflix. Which btw, I have fallen in love with Netflix. It is the coolest thing in the world. Millions of movies right at your fingertips,, haha wahoo! Anyway, this obsessed show is way cool, it's about people who have severe OCD. It's interesting to watch because I have weird OCD things, 'rituals' they are called and I thought they were frustrating! The things these people have to do look so much more frustrating! The worst part is they want to get over it so bad that they have therapists come help them by executing the situations. I can feel it in my brain and my stomach when something that i'm ocd about doesn't go how I like it. Makes me feel grateful that mine isn't that bad though. Also watching it I saw how some people have to incorporate others into their rituals and one guy was married and I thought it was so cute how, even though frustrated, they helped out. Nick does that for me, I'm sure it gets old, but he still turns when I ask him to (circles is one of the main things about my ocd, weird I know, if you really want to know exactly how it goes ask and I'll consider writing it in one of these things (;) he's the best, so sweet <3 !
Anyway blablabla, we hung out and afterwards I went to Nick's and we did nothing all night, wahoo. Today I ended up waking up late again, ahhhh. I need to stop doing that but it's hard cuz I work at nights. I wish I had a full time job soo much times a million. But after I got up I ate and got ready for work. I made ten bucks in tips tonight, I was super proud of myself! After work Nick and I dyed our hairs again. Our hair was fading so we had to get more black hair dye and now we're all blacked up. Tomorrow I'm gettin my eyelashes done. I haven't had them done since the beginning of the year! I also have a lot of errands to run tomorrow, so I better get to sleep so I dont sleep in again. Byeeeee.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Happy Birrday to mee! Happy birrday to mee! Happy birrday dear mee-ee,, happy birrday to me (: Pretty excited it's my birthday (: And you know what? I love Facebook because it notifies everyone that its my birthday and makes me feel extra special when everyone knows and posts on my wall! (exept for the fact that they only know cuz of facebook.. but still (; )
So Christmas was pretty good! I got all I wanted plus more! Gotta be with my family and Nick and it was amazing! Nick got me an Ipod and I'm pretty stoked about it! I already downloaded a shi-load of music on it! It's my first pod ever (: Wahoo! He got me a cute pink one too with matching headphones! Laaav it! He also got me a straightening iron which I have been asking for the last 2 years! I finally got a new one and it works pretty good! Nick's mom and step dad got me way cute clothes from Rue21,, 2 cute jackets and 2 cute shirts. His dad and step mom got me cute sweats with a matching jacket and a cute tank top! My mom and Jason got me cute red pajamas! My sister made a super cute necklace with an A and a crown on it. She said it's cuz i'm 'princess Anna' Well! My freaking crown already fell off :( so i'm sad about that. My dad got me a wayyyy cool shirt from Buckle! It's Affliction so it was probably freakkn spendy! Wahoo! My gramma got me nice jeans too! So I got lossa clothes today (: I was just plained spoiled :P

Even though getting presents is favorite part about Christmas is giving presents! I was most excited to give my Nickolas his presents! I got him the Kinect for Xbox! It's sooo freakkn sick!! I also got him yummmy smelling True Religion Calogne and some shirts from Old Navy. I was nervous to give him his presnets cuz it was our first time giving presents and I was scared he would have a dumb reaction.. haha mean :P But He didnt! So it made it all the more better (: He was excited about it and played it today and it is way cool! I got my dad a Gears Of War Blanket. He sent me a picture of it on his bed saying 'bad @$$!' and I had my phone off forever so I barely got it. When I replied telling him how cool it was he replied saying 'I know sighil. Zeus time alt of wha!' and then 4 minutes later a text saying 'sorry sleepy text. lol' HAHA! I laughed way hard! Just say that second line out loud! Zeus time alt of wha! hahaha. I got my sister a black light kit for the black light I got her for her birthday.. Jason a shirt saying 'these guns are loaded' with popeye on it.. my mom a tanning pass and a hand softing kit.. and my gramma the same kit. Nick and I got his mom a big gift basket with lotions and soups and things in it.
THANKGOODNESS CHRISTMAS IS OVER! My christmas nap was splendid and long. And Now it's my birthday. So wahoo to christmas and stress being over! Tonight Nick is taking me to Melting Pot and I cantt waittt <3 WAHOO!

Monday, December 20, 2010


We sold fifty tickets! Wahoo! Weekend in Park City! I can not freakin wait,, that sounds ideal <3 But I went to my concert Saturday night,, was pretty fun. I sold 2 tickets for fifty bucks,, and one for forty and an Ipod! I was expecting a kinda beat up pod with like.. something wrong with the screen or like.. scratched up paint.. But it was super nice! The kid told me he thought he was gonna be out of town,, but he ended up not leaving and he couldnt miss Dash Berlin! Haha, so even though I feel like I ripped him off, it was a nice deal (; haha. I told Nick I wanted to the keep the Ipod.. He told me if I did he'd kill me .. OoOo what does that mean?? hm...So Nick helped me sell it to his aunt for 35 bucks,, wahoo. Anyway, as soon as we got there Nick pointed the left and asked if that was my friend. Sure enough there sat Bianca surrounded by police officers and EMT's.. I went up and was going to ask if she was okay! I knew she was a good girl, so something must have been wrong.. Yeah how about I was wrong.. Haha,, as soon as I got a little close to the cops I could smell the alcohol beaming off of her! Her eyes were blood shoot as helen.. And boy was she belligerent. She was so intoxicated that she wasn't scared one bit that she was definitely getting in trouble.. She was spewing random words and being weird as helen. I was pretty surprised! I wish I could remember exactly what she was saying.. But fortunately the cops and the EMT's were the same as from Jersey Christmas when I helped that random girl. They knew who I was and let me try and see what I could do. They were asking me to find her a ride and asking where she lived and stuff. I asked her who she came with and why she didnt call them. She told me the cop wouldnt give her phone to her. (which.. why? they were trying to get her to find a ride but they wouldnt let her have her phone! and they were telling her that if she didnt find a ride she'd be arrested.. not fair?) I asked to see Bianca's phone and the cop let me. I got the number of who she was there with and tried helping but it was kinda hard.. Anyway apparently Bianca went to jail.. hospital.. and detox center... Sad but at least she wont be doing that any time soon! There was another Asian drunk girl in the same hall that I watched stumble out of the concert, face covered in blood. I got really scared and showed Nick. She was on the phone and was saying some jumbled up slurred words when the cops came over to her and asked what happened. She kept saying she got hit,, but I dont the cops believed her. They asked her to sit down and she kept saying 'I promise I promise' but wouldnt sit down. They finally forced her to the ground and she started yelling that she didnt want to sit. It was kinda funny, drunk people are pretttyy funny.. Anyway I went in the concert and danced around and had a good time. Afterwards Taylor invited us to a mansion party in South Ogden. It was pretty cool I happened to know a few people there and had met a couple at the concert. We left at like six in the morning and went to bed. Tasha left her keys there and didnt notice until the next morning when she woke up.. Kai had to take her and get them, luckily she didnt leave them at the concert! 
 That would be really bad.. Sunday I just lied in bed all day tired. Nick and I watched movies and hung around being lazy all day. It was kinda nice. Today I woke up and Nick and I went Christmas shopping! I got all my Christmas shopping done and I cant wait to show everyone what I got them! Especially Nick cuz I got him some killah stuffs (: He was so sweet to take me shopping today too (: He even held all my bags for me! It was really sweet (: And he helped me pick out a lot of stuffs too (: I freakkn love him <3  Anyway.. Not much to say today,, I've got a pretty bad headache and all I wanna do is relax. So farewell.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Nothing Interesting happened today,, so here are some random pics and thoughts and stuff.

I don't know what the freak this is.
 But it looks oh so delectable and
 I want it.. I have tried that nutella 
spread stuff before and it was gross.. 
so idk why I want this... but how 
cool is that!? The perfect combination
of snack.

                                   I love owl jewelry, but i'm pretty sure this exceeds
                                   any owl jewelry I could ever want. So if anyone
                                   see's this. buy it for me, deal?

Not a big fan of Christmas, especially the colors. Red and green? Whoever said that was a good combination of colors was obviously color blind, or like .. four or something. They are gross. But if my house looked like this in the winter, i'd never take my lights down, this is freakn beautiful.

Why I Want It To Be Freakkn Summer Already :(

-summer dates
-thursday concerts
-bear lake
-late nights
-long days

You know how people get
baby hungry?
Isn't that what it's called?
 I'm going to be embarrassed if it's not..
But yeah well,, I have that.
 Except I dont want a baby,
 I want a cat!
Soooo freakkn bad!
They are so cuute
and sweet and soft
and cuuuuteeeeee!! awealefjaofjwj


Okay, i'm obsessed with graphics if you didnt know. I have a ton saved on here just to look at.. I've not used any of them except to make my blogs, which is a recent thing.. haaa.. So this was a girly post. But I really wanted to do a random one like this !

Friday, December 17, 2010


I thought I was gonna have another boring day today and I almost didnt even want to make a blog. Today went as the last few days have gone.. I woke up with a stupid head ache. But so did Nick, he felt so horrible his body was achy all over and I felt so bad cuz it was all my fault :( stupid being sickness.  But he still got me lunches (: Subway. Sammiches are my favorite. Anyway, that was all the same.. Only two interesting things happened today. You know that number game on face book? Send me a number in a message and i'll post my status about what I think of you? Yeah well that game was fun at first, but then it just got boring and I was tired of telling people what I thought of them. Plus when one girl I didnt like did it... I just didnt put anything from her.. Well I wasn't gonna lie.. But one of my old friends posted on my wall a number.. except, I never sent him a number.. This is what he said:

Jordan Graybill Number bla bla bla 42,000,000
You used to be pretty cool, but caught in the web of your own beauty, you have joined the lower ranks. For your beauty has devoured your personality.
So "fallen angel", I'm guessing the rest, might as well be blank, for it probably won't do a damn thing or change.
"sell out" forms so easily and sympathy is no where to be seen, at least not from me.
vainglorious about your own wit. I hope you know, others only eat it up trying to get into your designer lucky brands.
Enjoy your youth while you can cause time will not be kind to your wasted and spoiled mind.

I bet you f**k with other people to make yourself look better and later gloat about it..
*cough* blog *cough*

no humility,
I'd say "bitch" fits you nicely, almost as well as your arrogance
I never thought you would be one of the ones to line up and meet the shears.
"a name thrown down among a million same."
I'm sure you'll just shrug this off and play with one of your lap dogs that are oh so willing to please or maybe put on a little more powder that just adds to the disease.

So please, allow me to be the one to remove you.

You're so much more endearing with the sound turned off.

Wednesday at 9:30pm via iPhone ·  · 

We used to have some good times, good laughs.. And out of the blue, literally out of the blue I get this. I may have felt a little less bad about it if I had asked for it.. But I really hadn't and I hadn't played that number game in a bit either.. So I was definitely confused.. And I know myself more than I would say,, anyone else? And that definitely isn't me..My beauty has devoured my personality? I dont understand how someone I dont know has  the option of telling me that I do not have a personality. Because quite frankly I think I have the same personality as I did back when I used to hang out with that crew. And then he goes on to tell me that I won't be getting sympathy from him.. I don't think I ask sympathy of anyone? The 'trying to get into your designer lucky brands' made me laugh. HA! Who does this kid think he is? I can't hardly afford rent let alone designer jeans, so I definitely don't have to 'try' to get into them.. My spoiled wasted mind? F*** with others and then gloat about it on my blog? I guess he might have been talking about the whole Theresa thing.. Which I could care less..Fraak, I don't know what the heck that was.. But it kinda went a long with what I was talking about last night.. You never know what is going on with others lives and you shouldn't say rude things when they aren't needed. Maybe if I was being a b**** to him and I deserved it. But seriously out of the blue.. ughh.. Not something I wanted to hear .. :/
Okay now first off all, wtf? I haven't talked to this kid in a while.. He used to live behind me when I lived with my mom and he was best friends with my best friends older brother. I'm still friends with that friend and his older brother.. I thought I was friends with him too.. It definitely took me by surprise..
Second of all, you can tell these are all quotes from songs. I know the last line is Incubus, one of my favorite songs actually. But f'real, I have done nothing to this kid.. I really honestly thought we were friends.
Okay so... fast forward to after work. You know how when something bad happens and you can't stop thinking about how it could have been worse? It just replays in the ways it could have been worse in your mind and it's kinda scary..? Well, that is how I felt after a very scary incident that happened to Nick and I. Ahhh., thinking about it makes me want to cry again :( So Nick picked me up after work so we could go sell seven tickets. I was excited because we were gonna sell seven meaning we'd only need seven more until we got to fifty! I called up Dylan and told him we'd need more tickets and he was gonna deliver them to us first thing in the morning! Awesome right?o we pull up to the Maverick where we were gonna meet him and there were hoodrats everywhere.. I got a little nervous and locked my door. Nick called the kid and he didnt answer so he texted him saying 'I'm here'. The replied asking if we for sure had seven. Nick said we have nine. The kid called Nick and asked him to meet at the super savers that was across the street. I was confused why we would meet him across the street when he could just drive over to where we were originally meeting, but Nick said it was because he didnt have a car and was walking. We pulled into the parking lot and there were a group of scary looking mexicans. I told him I hoped it wasn't them because of how scary they looked. Nick said he wasn't gonna get out of the car, so he pulled up to them and rolled down his window. One of the guys asked Nick if he was the ticket guy and Nick said yeah. He walked up to the car and my heart immediately dropped.. There was something definitely sketch about these guys.. He asked if the tickets were real and if he could see them. Nick gave him one and he looked it over and asked his friends if they had money on them. That was super sketchy,, why would he meet up with us if he didnt have the money?
He then gave Nick the ticket back in the oddest way. I didnt know exactly what happened until after, but I had an idea. When he gave it back, he stuck his arm all the way into the window into Nick's lap where Nick was holding the rest of the tickets. It looked like he was either shoving the ticket into Nick's hands or just trying to jack the rest of them. If I had known exactly what did happen I would have told Nick to drive off just then, I was already shaking because of what that guy just did.. Then the scary thing happened.. The guy looked over at his friends and they were all asking if the tickets were real and stuff..

And then the guy tried punching Nick! I was so
freaking scared I dont even remember what I said but I remember being scared and yelling something like 'Drive!' or something.. Nick started driving and the guy was still trying to get Nick and held onto the car. He finally let go and we got away. I couldnt believe it! I was so scared I just started crying. I was just confused by the whole situation, it was so scary to see! It hurt my heart in all sorts of ways :( Thinking that someone would try to steal from us.. and not only steal but hurt us... Watching that guy try to hurt Nick... I just couldnt handle it :( I kept replaying it in my head over and over again .. Thinking over the different things that could have happened.. That guy was big! He could have hurt Nick! Apparently he did hit Nick, right in the ear. But Nick moved back so he didnt get his face. But his ear?! That is on your face, that is so close. He could have hurt Nick.. He could had a gun.. He could have taken the tickets the first time... I called Dylan and told him that we wouldnt need the tickets first thing in the morning anymore and that we almost got jacked. Dylan said okay he'd give them to me later that night. I texted him after saying that was a scary situation. He then called me again and asked what happened. When I told him he said it was bulls*** and asked me to send him his number. He was gonna see if any of his promoters had that number and if we saw him at the show Dylan would have him arrested for trespassing. I cried all the way home,, every time I thought about it I cried harder. I couldnt stand the thought of some creepers hurting my Nick :( That was the most scary thing about it. We got home and Nick looked up the kids signature that the kid used when he was texting. Some weird gang ish.. First thing that popped up was some kids myspace. We scanned the page and found his first name, Marco. So I texted the number Nick had off of a different phone pretending to be some girl that couldnt tell which Marco it was in her phone. I texted how those weird Mexi girls text... 'Iz ths Marco? I cant figur out whch Marcoz whch in my fon! lolz!' It worked. Marco Rubio was his name. Perfect, tomorrow we're gonna file a police report. Nick showed me a text the kid had sent after the whole ordeal. It was something like 'na, you lucky, i'll get you next time. Welcome to Rose Park' But of course it was more vulgar with swear words and such. Scary night. All I can say is someone loves us up there. We can definitely thank our lucky stars.
I'll thank my guardian angel for that, thanks dad. I hope that guy has what's coming to him.. When Nick texted him saying he knew his name, the kid pretended he didnt do anything. Fortunately we still have all the texts.. Oh, I almost forgot. This part was something that blew my mind and gave me hope. On the way home right next to an always busy light, there were two little girls younger than I pushing a car into the gas station. Nick got out of his car and ran up to the other car to help the little girls push it. At the same time some other guy did the same thing and another guy pulled up the to the side but made it just as the car was settled. Nick ran back without saying a word and the little girls ran back to their car and the other guy back to his.None of them knew the guy that they were helping out, yet they all did without hesitation. What amazed me the most, is that Nick had just been betrayed by some stranger and instead of blowing off some stranger who needed help because he was angry about the other guy,, Nick got right out and helped him. Not saying one word to anyone about it, he just did it. Nick is such an amazing person, he is my hero. I really wish I could be more like him! He really is the most selfless person I know. <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Yesterday started just as today did,, which is super unfortunate because I had a lot of plans today. Unfortunately I was too sick to follow through with any of them. Last night it was so bad I started to cry again. My body ached so bad and my head killed, I couldn't stand the pain. Fraak, how am I ever gonna have a baby even if I can't handle a little sick pain? Haha, shoot. But yeah, I woke up with that dumb head ache again, it lasted most of the day. I called Bailey when I woke up and cancelled our mall plans. I really wanted to go too, not that I had money.. But I went back to bed, it seems the only time my head is killing me is when i'm asleep. Which sucks even more because it's hard to go to sleep when my freaking head hurts so bad! bla.
Nick brought me lunch when I woke up though, it was delicious. Chicken wraps and cheese cake (: . After that I reseted a little in bed until I felt well enough to get up. I feel like a lazy ace who can't get out of bed. It sucks :( I sat in the living room and face booked for a while, then got ready for work. I looked like crap, my hair wasn't working and I didnt feel like putting make up on. I sat around until time to go to work. Nick made me soup so I could take it to work, but I forgot in the fridge :( I'll have to bring it tomorrow. Work sucked, I was second off and it was really slow. I got off around eight (three hour shift, wahoo..) and went to my house and took a shower. Blow dryed (< i know that it is spelled 'dried' but i think that looks gross when i'm talking about) my hair. Threw on some comfy clothes and sat with my dad a little bit. Nick came and picked me up and we sold some tickets. We just got brand new tickets today and have already sold 6. I really hope we get fifty! After we sold tickets Nick took me to walmart and got me some AirBorn to try and rid me of my horrible sickness,, haha. He's taken such good care of me! Usually when i'm sick I want my mom, haha she can take excellent care of me. But Nick is doing just as good (:
Anyway now im waiting for him to get home. I'm bored out of my mind and irritated with everyone in the world. I am so tired of everyone..I'm not saying that i'm a perfect person, I most definitely am not.. But I think I put a little more thought into how I treat other people.. Granted it did take a while, I wasn't the most thoughtful person in my earlier years. I used to be a complete brat in elementary school. I thought everyone was beneath me in JR high. And in high school I think I started to figure it out a little. Most of us usually do take a while to grasp things and adapt and learn to situations. I would think now that we're graduated from high school and everyone I know is 18+ that people would learn to have respect for each other! No one bothers to think that whatever rude remark that they might make towards someone could be the last straw for them! Meaning you dont know what is going on in other people's lives, so dont be mean because that could just cause more stress!! Recently a situation has come up that I believe I have no part, no business at all in. But I have had people continually tell me that it is my business, that I should do the right thing, that I need to do something about it! Even though it's not my business, no one has told me what the **** I should do! Just that I need to do the 'right' thing, or 'something'. With all that's going on in my life right now, it's enough to break me down. It's just a little thing called RESPECT.. Aretha Franklin asked for it and i'm pretty sure she definitely got it, but i'm not gonna write a song to get it through people's head. It's bad enough people can bring it up to me thinking it's nothing. If you're mom was a lesbian and you're not happy about it, would you want me asking about that without thinking twice? (I use that as an example because someone who has talked to me about it apparently freaks when someone asks them about it) But people ask about it, I say I dont want to talk about it and they continue to drag it on! That I think is so disrespectful, no one even takes the time to put themselves in my shoes and i'm about done with it. Seriously i'm going to go ballistic next time someone brings it up, i'm done crying about things I shouldn't be involved in.. I didnt ask for it and I continue to not be a part of it. I have bigger things going on in my life, ever think about that??

Maux De Tête

Today I woke up with the regular headache I've had the last three days. Unfortunately this one has lasted all day,  it hurts :( I took some Dayquil and advil, I never take medicine but this is a bad cold :( .. I lied in bed forever, which fortunately helped out a lot. When I finally got up, I went to do my hairs and stuff. Nick made me some Mac N' Cheeses, and apple cranberry juice. It was veryy good (: After that we went and sat downstairs so I could rest more before work.
I dont know that I said anything before about how my friend ditched out on going with Nick to Jersey Christmas.  But she did do that and never  bothered to say a single word! I was a little irritated and since she wouldn't answer my texts or calls, I wrote on her wall. I asked her what was up with her ditching out big time and not saying one word. She replied with three simple words 'my phone died'. So I asked her if it had been dead since Saturday night because it's Tuesday and she still hadn't said a word. I think that made her angry because she told me her mom didnt pay the phone bill, I could even ask her mom if I didnt believe. I told her she said phone died, no got shut off and if it were shut off she still could have called or texted me until like 2 that morning.. and that she needed to get her story straight. Then here's the part I hope she regrets saying.
'oh anna drama drama, why bother, you're just a slut :)' HAA!! So I went easy at first and just wrote 'You're the one who had sex with Austin Wernli, how am I a slut? and what's the need in calling me that? I was just curious why you didnt bother to say anything!'
he he he,, so she deleted that whole post. So, if she's gonna say I started drama when I didnt, then I was gonna (: I felt like being immature today, who cares? So I messaged her ex telling her about Wernli.. and she posted on my wall a bunch of obscenities and said I was being jealous cuz my life sucks and that I was a liar.. I asked how I was a liar and she said everything I was saying was a lie.. and well it went a little like this:

Theresa Michelle Thomas F*** you stupid b*****! your a backstabbung c***. You message alex. F*** you.

7 hours ago ·  ·  · See Friendship

Except I edited a few parts because of the nasty language... Just because she ditched me! ...I don't understand! I wasn't even that mad, just a little bugged for real.. okay so enough with the drama..
I went to work today, it sucked I only got 3 hours of work in.. But I getta work tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday too. I wish I got paid before Christmas, but I get paid 2 days after :/ But after I sell all my tickets I should have a lot more money ! I'm excited about that! I already made $50 off these tickets i've just sold, and $50 on the ones before that, that's $100 for doing absolutely nothing! I'm glad I have a great boyfriend to help out as well.. He has done most of my sales for me and doesn't even want any of the profit. I'm making him keep some of the profit after we sell tickets for events after Christmas. Now I realllllly need the money, but he's working too so he deserves it just as much as I do. I just barely sold 2 tickets which is $64.. but the girl brought us $63.50.. hahahha it was pretty funny. 
I think i'm going to pawn my old 'promise' ring from Austin tomorrow.. Or probably Thursday actually.. I just remembered Bailey and I are gonna go to the mall tomorrow. That should be fun (: I love hanging out with my girlfriends. I definitely need to get some Christmas shopping in .. I wish I could tell everyone what i'm getting Nick, but he might read this! I'm super excited though (: But I am so stressed about Christmas i'm dreaming about it.. I had a horrible dream the other night that it was Christmas Eve.. And I have no gifts for everyone.. I hate stressful dreams, you always wake up still tired.. 
But I better finish this up,, Nick and I are about to watch a movie (: I'm looking forward to tomorrow though. After Bailey and I go shopping,, i'm meeting up with Dylan to get more tickets! We get 20 to sell. 5 extra because we sold our extra ones because we had people who wanted them.. and then 2 because we sold 20 (: for every 10 we sell we get 1 ticket for ourselves (: 7 extra tickets! One for me, one for Nick, one for Taylor (since she let me have her VIP ticket for Nick on Saturday), and hopefully one for Bianca. She lost her ticket even though we sold it to her last night.. So I told her if she sold 10 for us, i'd give her a free one. She has 3 down, 7 to go! Anyway after that I head to work, wahooo... Then I get to see Tavis !! I'm helping him pick out a Christmas gift for a girl he's seeing,, OoOo (;  Night!