
Sunday, December 12, 2010


Oh my Helen Keller, I am sooo exhausted.. Yesterday was a bad idea because of my cold,, I definitely should have rested because I am definitely paying for it now! Anyway, last night was the very jersey Christmas with DJ Pauly D. I got to the venue at around five, had to pay 7 bucks for parking!! Luckily I earned it back with the last tickets I sold! So I got in, Taylor and I got to choose which room we had, then we started to get ready. I loved my outfit, it was a red and white striped dressy thing with feathered tops and bottoms! Nick bought me red tights to go with it, and I had black heels to go with it! We kinda just messed around and got ready and helped out as much as we could until seven when the show started. I danced for a little until Nick got there and I ( being the awesome girlfriend I am (; ) got him a V.I.P pass! Which might have been cool except for the fact that VIP was a bunch of tables and chairs.. JWoww was supposed to host it but I heard that Jwoww and Pauly got in a fight so she just bailed.. haha ,, but who knows. But the limited edition lanyards they said they were gonna have I gotta help make! It was a ribbon and a paper (: wahoo! The point is I felt bad for the people who paid $100 for that.. Besides that the show was pretty fun! Unfortunately I cant help being nice when I see someone in help. . . So here's the story..
So I was on the phone with Garrett trying to figure
out where he was and where he should go to get to where I was. I overheard a girl walking by talking about how she didnt know where a bathroom was and she was trying to find it. I asked her if she needed help cuz I knew where the bathroom was and the proceeded to tell her where it was. She said thank you and started wiping her eyes, that is when I realized she was in some sort of trouble and I asked if she was ok. She went on some tangent about her friend being drunk in the bathroom and I was half listening and half tryina help Garrett. I asked her if she needed me to go with her. I could tell she felt bad about saying that she did, but I could also tell this girl really needed help. So I walked her to the bathroom while talking to Garrett the whole time and hardly talking to her. I showed her the bathroom and she walked in and said 'Ugh she isnt in here!!'. So I told her i'd help her find the other bathrooms that were near. I eventually got Garrett to where I was and it was around the same time that the girl I was with (I didnt even get her name) found someone she knew.
 I got off the phone and asked what was going on.
The little boy she had found started saying how stupid his sister was and how she was passed out in the bathroom. I then found out that they had all been drinking, the girl I was with was eighteen, and the little boy thirteen. The girl passed out in the bathroom was only 16 and these kids needed help. I told them i'd go with them, I honestly didnt think they could handle it themselves, im pretty sure I was right. When I got to the bathroom, ah.. I cant describe the feeling I had come over me, but it definitely made my heart drop. I was expecting a girl passed out over the toilet and I guess I was expecting her to be semi conscious as well. But no, this girl (a big girl I might add, she must have drank an S ton) was lying half under the toilet, puking in her hair, and covered in blood. She had blood coming out her nose and in her thighs and everything. It was not a pretty site whatsoever. I thought i'd be able to help, but I guess I had no idea what I was in for, I hadn't a clue what to do.. I stood over her and told her brother to get me soaked paper towels. The girl I was with in the bathroom was starting to get really shooken up, her brother and the girl's girlfriend were trying to be calm about it. But this was nothing to be calm about. I took the paper towels and put them on her neck and forehead. I tried wiping the puke off her face while trying not to puke on her myself. I can't handle things like that, wiping some random girls puke off her face, I hoped they didnt see me gagging.. Unfortunately the brother thanked me and apologized because he said he could tell that was making me sick. I denied it, but boy was he ever right. Anyway I realized she was still throwing up while she was puking and I told them she needs to be dragged out from under the toilet. I held her head down to the floor so that her throw up wouldnt get caught some place to make her drown in it. I dont know if that was even the right thing to do. When I thought she was done puking, I told them something that brought fear to all their eyes. I told them what they had to do, get the cops or EMT's involved.I told them it would be hard because they would all be in trouble. An eighteen year old who supplied the alcohol to 2 sixteen year olds and a thirteen year old. It took them a second to give in, they kept telling me she'd be alright, all they would have to do was drag her across the street onto the trax (which they came in ) and to wait a minute. I told them no, they needed to get EMT's involved. The eighteen year old asked me at least 4 times not to say anything to the cops. I took the thirteen year old with me so I knew they'd stay there. I found Riley and told him what happened, I hoped he wasn't mad because I wasn't really working. But he helped me, told the thirteen year old to go back to his sister and went and found the EMT guys. I had lost him but I saw he went to the front and middle of the crowd where all the cops were. I tried to make my way through the front, it was really difficult. I asked one of the cops if he had seen Riley and he said he didnt even know who that was. Luckily I had met a cop prior to the show starting so I grabbed him and asked him. He could tell I was in some trouble but couldnt hear me to well, and I was stressed about asking the cops because I said I wouldnt. He asked if I needed help getting out of the crowd and I told him no, but that I needed help but I couldnt tell him because he was a cop, haha. I made him promise he wouldnt give anyone tickets or arrest anyone, haha, he was a super nice guy so he obliged. Anyway I told him whats up and he helped me out grabbed another cop and we met up with riley and they EMT's and went down to the bathroom. That girl's dignity was THROWN out the window and killed on the way out. She lied there with 2 EMTs 3 cops, and me. Blood between her thighs, puke in her hair, shirt open, bruises, just horrible. Her friends went outside the bathroom. The EMT's and cops kept asking me stuff about her, but I had no clue, I never even met her. The cops had no choice but to call parents and the EMT's put her in the hospital. AHHH dumb children these days! I ran back to the venue as fast as I could and broke down the second I saw Nick. It hurt my heart to see that. I could tell he was mad I had left him so long, but he still wiped my tears and told me to go dance. I danced my heart out on the floor for the last hour.
I went home and as tired as I was, couldnt sleep. My ears were ringing all night and I had the worst head ache alllll nightt... I woke up ate, showered, and went back to sleep. Now I'm watching Tosh.O with Nickolas and am in complete pain. My neck hurts to turn, my eyes burn, my feet ache and are blistered, and my butt hurts to sit on. I realllly danced my heart out. fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk!! What a night.

PS. D.J Pauly wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be! But can you say princess?? haha.. you should see his laptop, princceesssss (;

PSS sorry about the crappy format, blogspot was not working with me and I was too frustrated to try and fix it >:[

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