
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Yesterday started just as today did,, which is super unfortunate because I had a lot of plans today. Unfortunately I was too sick to follow through with any of them. Last night it was so bad I started to cry again. My body ached so bad and my head killed, I couldn't stand the pain. Fraak, how am I ever gonna have a baby even if I can't handle a little sick pain? Haha, shoot. But yeah, I woke up with that dumb head ache again, it lasted most of the day. I called Bailey when I woke up and cancelled our mall plans. I really wanted to go too, not that I had money.. But I went back to bed, it seems the only time my head is killing me is when i'm asleep. Which sucks even more because it's hard to go to sleep when my freaking head hurts so bad! bla.
Nick brought me lunch when I woke up though, it was delicious. Chicken wraps and cheese cake (: . After that I reseted a little in bed until I felt well enough to get up. I feel like a lazy ace who can't get out of bed. It sucks :( I sat in the living room and face booked for a while, then got ready for work. I looked like crap, my hair wasn't working and I didnt feel like putting make up on. I sat around until time to go to work. Nick made me soup so I could take it to work, but I forgot in the fridge :( I'll have to bring it tomorrow. Work sucked, I was second off and it was really slow. I got off around eight (three hour shift, wahoo..) and went to my house and took a shower. Blow dryed (< i know that it is spelled 'dried' but i think that looks gross when i'm talking about) my hair. Threw on some comfy clothes and sat with my dad a little bit. Nick came and picked me up and we sold some tickets. We just got brand new tickets today and have already sold 6. I really hope we get fifty! After we sold tickets Nick took me to walmart and got me some AirBorn to try and rid me of my horrible sickness,, haha. He's taken such good care of me! Usually when i'm sick I want my mom, haha she can take excellent care of me. But Nick is doing just as good (:
Anyway now im waiting for him to get home. I'm bored out of my mind and irritated with everyone in the world. I am so tired of everyone..I'm not saying that i'm a perfect person, I most definitely am not.. But I think I put a little more thought into how I treat other people.. Granted it did take a while, I wasn't the most thoughtful person in my earlier years. I used to be a complete brat in elementary school. I thought everyone was beneath me in JR high. And in high school I think I started to figure it out a little. Most of us usually do take a while to grasp things and adapt and learn to situations. I would think now that we're graduated from high school and everyone I know is 18+ that people would learn to have respect for each other! No one bothers to think that whatever rude remark that they might make towards someone could be the last straw for them! Meaning you dont know what is going on in other people's lives, so dont be mean because that could just cause more stress!! Recently a situation has come up that I believe I have no part, no business at all in. But I have had people continually tell me that it is my business, that I should do the right thing, that I need to do something about it! Even though it's not my business, no one has told me what the **** I should do! Just that I need to do the 'right' thing, or 'something'. With all that's going on in my life right now, it's enough to break me down. It's just a little thing called RESPECT.. Aretha Franklin asked for it and i'm pretty sure she definitely got it, but i'm not gonna write a song to get it through people's head. It's bad enough people can bring it up to me thinking it's nothing. If you're mom was a lesbian and you're not happy about it, would you want me asking about that without thinking twice? (I use that as an example because someone who has talked to me about it apparently freaks when someone asks them about it) But people ask about it, I say I dont want to talk about it and they continue to drag it on! That I think is so disrespectful, no one even takes the time to put themselves in my shoes and i'm about done with it. Seriously i'm going to go ballistic next time someone brings it up, i'm done crying about things I shouldn't be involved in.. I didnt ask for it and I continue to not be a part of it. I have bigger things going on in my life, ever think about that??

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