
Friday, December 31, 2010

La Neige

Oh my gosh I freaking hate this weather! There is soo much snow everywhere I can't believe it. I wish it would all just go away.. We didn't even have snow on Christmas! Just the day after, lucky me. Snow on my birthday. I wish I had a summer birthday! Luckily on our outings of yesterday Nickolas's mom let us take her jeep which is 4 wheel drive. Anyway! Got up late a freaking gain!! That made me stressed cuz I knew I had  a lot to do! Had to hurry and get ready and my stupid hair wasn't working like it hasn't been for the past week. I have little hairs in the front that are like.. black people hairs. They won't do anything but frizz out. They come out of my part like a little triangle in the front and they wont stay on either side of the part! IrRiTaTiNg.. Anyway so after I got ready Nick and I headed down to Bountiful to run some of my errands.
The roads were so bad it made me late so I couldnt run to the bank and do my stuff there. The roads were seriously so horrible if you didnt have you're breaks on you would slide into the car next to you because it was so icy! When we got down to Bountiful we went to the Addiction clothing store across the street from my work. I had to exchange a bag my gramma gave me for Christmas. It was the first thing I have ever exchanged from her! She always gives us the receipts and tells us if we dont like it bla bla bla.. but I always tell her to not bother giving them to us because we allllways like what she gets us. And she says 'well I just dont know with your age now'. I always find it to be a useless and annoying conversation but thank goodness she had it this time because I would not have used that bag. So I took it to the store and asked if I could exchange it cuz it was ugly. I picked out an OK shirt.. I'm not used to shopping at a store where shirts are like 25-40 bucks. That is just ridiculous! Ten bucks is the max i'll pay on a shirt and it better be a dang cute one! The shirt I exchanged the bag for was 23 dollars. That is still a lot. Anyway after that I went to get my Eyelashes done by Tasha. They look soo good! I had fun hangin out and talkin to her too. We had a lot to talk about and it made me realize I should hang out with her more! Nick had dropped me off there and went to visit his parents house while I got them done. When I called him I asked what he was doing and apologized for taking longer than I had thought. He told me his parents weren't home so he was snow blowing their driveway. How freaking sweet is that? He said he had nothing better to do so he just did them a big favor. He has such a big heart I swear he never thinks of just himself. After he picked me up we went to Rue21 for a NYE dress. I couldnt find one I liked so I got a long shirt that will look really cute with my black hairs. When we were shopping I started to get sharp pains running through my chest, tummy, and back. They were horrible I really thought at one point I might actually have to go to the hospital. They were that bad! We hurried out of the store and to the In N' Out burger across the way so we could eat and I could pee. I kinda thought that it was because I held it in too long ( I dont care if this is gross.. this is my account on life and it's what happened ). I told Nick what I wanted to eat and ran into the bathroom. I still didnt feel better!! Very upsetting. I found a place for Nick and I to sit down and when he came back he had asked if I felt better. I told him kinda, but the only reason for that is because I figured out how to make them not hurt as bad. If I held my breathe! I cant hold my breathe for very long so I just wanted to start crying :( Nothing else I could do and I'm a baby, so I almost did. Then there was a stupid little mexican kid running about and jumping on the table behind us. His parents were watching laughing at how 'adorable' he was. Hardy har har.. Then the kid grabbed my hair and I immediately turned around and told the parents that their kid was pulling my hair and something something about how about they .. control him or something. I dont know I was mad so I dont remember specifically what I said. But right as I turned around Nick was grabbing my hands and saying no dont! I asked him why he was trying to stop me and he said he didnt know... weirdo.. Anyway I started feeling better so when Nick and I got him we decided to play the Kinect. We played til we got tired, but it was so much fun! We even unlocked an achievement that I thought was cute, it was called 'Best Buds'. It made me happy cuz we are best buds <3 (:. After that Nick set up speakers in his bathroom for my Ipod and we danced around and sang and acted like complete weirdos for like half an hour. Haha it was so much fun we were laughing the whole time. It was one of those moments you'd see on a movie and wish you and your boyfriend would have a moment as cute as that. Except it really did happen and it was perfect (:. It probably doesn't sound as perfect as it was.. haha but I thought it was (:.
Today should be a good day. We're going down to my friend Roxy's house for a little party. And Ariel is back from California, I met her at naughty or nice (she is one of Nick's friends girlfriends) but she was so cute i'm excited to hang out with her.
One last thing before I go. Yesterday I was playing one of those question games on Facebook where people answer questions about you and you have to unlock them to see who answered them. Well I wanted to answer more questions but I ran out of coins so I filled out all these lame survey things so I could get more. One of them was for 24 hour fitness. All I had to do was register for a free 14 day pass and then I could get like 30 coins. They didnt even have one around where I lived so I chose the one out in Taylorsville. I only did it to get the coins,, I already have a gym pass! So at the beginning of me writing this blog I got a phone call from 24 hour fitness and I had to explain to him that my reasoning for that was just for coins on facebook. It was pretty embarrassing especially when the guy laughed at me.. wahoo. Haha. Anyeway I doubt i'll write until next year,, so Happy New Years!

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