'oh anna drama drama, why bother, you're just a slut :)' HAA!! So I went easy at first and just wrote 'You're the one who had sex with Austin Wernli, how am I a slut? and what's the need in calling me that? I was just curious why you didnt bother to say anything!'
he he he,, so she deleted that whole post. So, if she's gonna say I started drama when I didnt, then I was gonna (: I felt like being immature today, who cares? So I messaged her ex telling her about Wernli.. and she posted on my wall a bunch of obscenities and said I was being jealous cuz my life sucks and that I was a liar.. I asked how I was a liar and she said everything I was saying was a lie.. and well it went a little like this:
Theresa Michelle Thomas F*** you stupid b*****! your a backstabbung c***. You message alex. F*** you.
Except I edited a few parts because of the nasty language... Just because she ditched me! ...I don't understand! I wasn't even that mad, just a little bugged for real.. okay so enough with the drama..

I think i'm going to pawn my old 'promise' ring from Austin tomorrow.. Or probably Thursday actually.. I just remembered Bailey and I are gonna go to the mall tomorrow. That should be fun (: I love hanging out with my girlfriends. I definitely need to get some Christmas shopping in .. I wish I could tell everyone what i'm getting Nick, but he might read this! I'm super excited though (: But I am so stressed about Christmas i'm dreaming about it.. I had a horrible dream the other night that it was Christmas Eve.. And I have no gifts for everyone.. I hate stressful dreams, you always wake up still tired..
But I better finish this up,, Nick and I are about to watch a movie (: I'm looking forward to tomorrow though. After Bailey and I go shopping,, i'm meeting up with Dylan to get more tickets! We get 20 to sell. 5 extra because we sold our extra ones because we had people who wanted them.. and then 2 because we sold 20 (: for every 10 we sell we get 1 ticket for ourselves (: 7 extra tickets! One for me, one for Nick, one for Taylor (since she let me have her VIP ticket for Nick on Saturday), and hopefully one for Bianca. She lost her ticket even though we sold it to her last night.. So I told her if she sold 10 for us, i'd give her a free one. She has 3 down, 7 to go! Anyway after that I head to work, wahooo... Then I get to see Tavis !! I'm helping him pick out a Christmas gift for a girl he's seeing,, OoOo (; Night!
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