
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pas Grand-Chose

Done a whole lot of freaking NOTHING lately.. I need a new job soo bad :( But it's okay for this week because Nick has the week off until Thursday. So we can do nothing together. Yesterday I went to my friend Bailey's house and we did a whole lot of nothing.. We were gonna rent a redbox, make peanut butter bars, and do our nails. Yeah none of that happened except for the last.. Which I ended up doing them by myself.. Disappointing night, ha, but not a big deal. When I left Nicks, Nick was heading down to Kaysville as well. When we got off the Kaysville exit he told me to pull over at the checkers auto parts ( I think that is what it's called ). I was confused, but did so anyway. He motioned for me to stay in my car and wait as he ran inside. When he came out he got in my passenger side and asked if I had my I-pod, he's so sweet, he got me one of those radio transmitter things so that I can listen to my pod in my car. I love it! It makes driving all over Utah way less boring! Anyway when I got to Bailey's we immediately left and went to Smith's Market so she could get some hair dye and stuff for her mom. She told me I had to help her but I told her there was no way because I have been putting off dying my hair because I hate the actual process and I was gonna do it tonight anyway. I wanted to steer clear of dye, but I ended up helping anyway :/ When we got to her house, instead of watching a movie, we watched a show called 'obsessed' on netflix. Which btw, I have fallen in love with Netflix. It is the coolest thing in the world. Millions of movies right at your fingertips,, haha wahoo! Anyway, this obsessed show is way cool, it's about people who have severe OCD. It's interesting to watch because I have weird OCD things, 'rituals' they are called and I thought they were frustrating! The things these people have to do look so much more frustrating! The worst part is they want to get over it so bad that they have therapists come help them by executing the situations. I can feel it in my brain and my stomach when something that i'm ocd about doesn't go how I like it. Makes me feel grateful that mine isn't that bad though. Also watching it I saw how some people have to incorporate others into their rituals and one guy was married and I thought it was so cute how, even though frustrated, they helped out. Nick does that for me, I'm sure it gets old, but he still turns when I ask him to (circles is one of the main things about my ocd, weird I know, if you really want to know exactly how it goes ask and I'll consider writing it in one of these things (;) he's the best, so sweet <3 !
Anyway blablabla, we hung out and afterwards I went to Nick's and we did nothing all night, wahoo. Today I ended up waking up late again, ahhhh. I need to stop doing that but it's hard cuz I work at nights. I wish I had a full time job soo much times a million. But after I got up I ate and got ready for work. I made ten bucks in tips tonight, I was super proud of myself! After work Nick and I dyed our hairs again. Our hair was fading so we had to get more black hair dye and now we're all blacked up. Tomorrow I'm gettin my eyelashes done. I haven't had them done since the beginning of the year! I also have a lot of errands to run tomorrow, so I better get to sleep so I dont sleep in again. Byeeeee.

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