We sold fifty tickets! Wahoo! Weekend in Park City! I can not freakin wait,, that sounds ideal <3 But I went to my concert Saturday night,, was pretty fun. I sold 2 tickets for fifty bucks,, and one for forty and an Ipod! I was expecting a kinda beat up pod with like.. something wrong with the screen or like.. scratched up paint.. But it was super nice! The kid told me he thought he was gonna be out of town,, but he ended up not leaving and he couldnt miss Dash Berlin! Haha, so even though I feel like I ripped him off, it was a nice deal (; haha. I told Nick I wanted to the keep the Ipod.. He told me if I did he'd kill me .. OoOo what does that mean?? hm...So Nick helped me sell it to his aunt for 35 bucks,, wahoo. Anyway, as soon as we got there Nick pointed the left and asked if that was my friend. Sure enough there sat Bianca surrounded by police officers and EMT's.. I went up and was going to ask if she was okay! I knew she was a good girl, so something must have been wrong.. Yeah how about I was wrong.. Haha,, as soon as I got a little close to the cops I could smell the alcohol beaming off of her! Her eyes were blood shoot as helen.. And boy was she belligerent. She was so intoxicated that she wasn't scared one bit that she was definitely getting in trouble.. She was spewing random words and being weird as helen. I was pretty surprised! I wish I could remember exactly what she was saying.. But fortunately the cops and the EMT's were the same as from Jersey Christmas when I helped that random girl. They knew who I was and let me try and see what I could do. They were asking me to find her a ride and asking where she lived and stuff. I asked her who she came with and why she didnt call them. She told me the cop wouldnt give her phone to her. (which.. why? they were trying to get her to find a ride but they wouldnt let her have her phone! and they were telling her that if she didnt find a ride she'd be arrested.. not fair?) I asked to see Bianca's phone and the cop let me. I got the number of who she was there with and tried helping but it was kinda hard.. Anyway apparently Bianca went to jail.. hospital.. and detox center... Sad but at least she wont be doing that any time soon! There was another Asian drunk girl in the same hall that I watched stumble out of the concert, face covered in blood. I got really scared and showed Nick. She was on the phone and was saying some jumbled up slurred words when the cops came over to her and asked what happened. She kept saying she got hit,, but I dont the cops believed her. They asked her to sit down and she kept saying 'I promise I promise' but wouldnt sit down. They finally forced her to the ground and she started yelling that she didnt want to sit. It was kinda funny, drunk people are pretttyy funny.. Anyway I went in the concert and danced around and had a good time. Afterwards Taylor invited us to a mansion party in South Ogden. It was pretty cool I happened to know a few people there and had met a couple at the concert. We left at like six in the morning and went to bed. Tasha left her keys there and didnt notice until the next morning when she woke up.. Kai had to take her and get them, luckily she didnt leave them at the concert!

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