
Saturday, December 18, 2010


Nothing Interesting happened today,, so here are some random pics and thoughts and stuff.

I don't know what the freak this is.
 But it looks oh so delectable and
 I want it.. I have tried that nutella 
spread stuff before and it was gross.. 
so idk why I want this... but how 
cool is that!? The perfect combination
of snack.

                                   I love owl jewelry, but i'm pretty sure this exceeds
                                   any owl jewelry I could ever want. So if anyone
                                   see's this. buy it for me, deal?

Not a big fan of Christmas, especially the colors. Red and green? Whoever said that was a good combination of colors was obviously color blind, or like .. four or something. They are gross. But if my house looked like this in the winter, i'd never take my lights down, this is freakn beautiful.

Why I Want It To Be Freakkn Summer Already :(

-summer dates
-thursday concerts
-bear lake
-late nights
-long days

You know how people get
baby hungry?
Isn't that what it's called?
 I'm going to be embarrassed if it's not..
But yeah well,, I have that.
 Except I dont want a baby,
 I want a cat!
Soooo freakkn bad!
They are so cuute
and sweet and soft
and cuuuuteeeeee!! awealefjaofjwj


Okay, i'm obsessed with graphics if you didnt know. I have a ton saved on here just to look at.. I've not used any of them except to make my blogs, which is a recent thing.. haaa.. So this was a girly post. But I really wanted to do a random one like this !

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