
Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today I woke up at like 10:30 a.m. I was pretty proud of myself.. I'm not much of a morning person anymore unfortunately, especially in the winter.. I feel like a bear in the winter, I sleep SOOO much... and I tire so easily.. But I woke up this morning and ended up ready for work by 12 even though I work at 4. Nick brought me yet another delicious lunch. A turkey sammich, (real turkey, not lunch meat turkey (: ), a bag of lays potato chips, and the same beloved cheese cake he brought me yesterday. After he left I practiced shuffling a bit before I left for work. 

Work? Oh my helen.. I hated it.. I was supposed to be third off, but I had the fortune of switching to second off so I could leave early.. Anyway I was frustrated because the girl that was supposed to come down and hang out with me tonight, wouldn't text or call back. So I was already a little irritated and then some girl called me a b****!! I don't tolerate being called that, but I was so taken aback I didn't know what to say.. She was talking to me and I jokingly said something to her and she said 'you're really being a b**** tonight you know that?'. I couldn't decide whether to hit her, scream, or cry. So I did none of the above.. instead I said 'uh, I was just joking' and she walked off.. I was SOOOO mad..
I had to call Wet Seal today to tell them I wouldn't have a chance to go in and check the schedule before tomorrow, and I thought I worked tomorrow. The girl told me to call back in ten minutes, but ended up calling me telling me my shift had been covered. I was confused, and she proceeded to tell me that I had been removed from the schedule, forever. HA! Really? Apparently I had pulled 2 no shows within the past two weeks. Odd,, could it be because I was scheduled out of my availability and had to work at Tino's? Possibly.. Or just yes.. Rawr.
Then I got home and my dad wasn't that nice at first, I wanted to cry. But he ended up being nice eventually, still bad night :(.

 At least my Nickolas bought me Taco Bell when I got to his house. Doing more sweet deeds for me. He makes everything better. It's nice to know that whatever storm i'm in, I always can look forward to seeing my sunshine (:. He always brightens my day no matter what happens, he's the best. Like my own hand, I know he's right there for me always (:. And he had a whole bag of candies for us to share while we 'laptop' at night.
Tomorrow is Jersey Christmas,, I can't wait! I ought to get to bed soon so that I can be rested for tomorrow! Goodnight!

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