
Monday, December 13, 2010

Malades L'enfer

Today i'm just super sick.. haven't even gotten out of my pajamas today.. :( I feel like a slug.. Feel like I got run over by a bus.. rawwrrr...I better get better. Baeer bought and made me cookies today,, I love him. 
I think it's time to take some nyquils and try and sleep my sickness away. Today just basically sucked. Tomorrow I am supposed to work so if I dont feel better i'm gonna be crackin' skulls. haa. For real though, i'm definitely not gonna be able to handle the girls at Tino's tomorrow if my head hurts this bad. My baaer has been taking excellent care of me though. Today he made me yummy soupies! He went and bought my favorite kind,, Lipton Chicken Noodle Soupies... mmm they were so freakkn good. And he pretty much attended to my every need to make me feel better today (: And it has been working so far (: All my muscles are achy and sore, no one can even touch me without it making me want to cry. Time to rest up!

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